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speed related to accuracy

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speed related to accuracy Empty speed related to accuracy

Post by Eindecker Fri Dec 29, 2023 12:37 pm

IS it normal for double action shooting to be more accurate than single action shooting?

Was playing with the sellor bellot wadcutters, single action i was in a 4x4 grid on the target.. Double action as fast I can.. i kept them in a 1x3 strip, only issue was the width was wider then i want. 

I know the gun locks up nice in my hand double action and my brain forgets about outside issues like worrying about hand placement, etc, but is this normal? Ive had similar results in the past with shooting semi auto rimfire fast.


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speed related to accuracy Empty Re: speed related to accuracy

Post by SteveT Fri Dec 29, 2023 1:01 pm

Some shoot DA better. Some shoot SA better. Could be a version of "new gun syndrome" where you had no expectations except to smoothly pull the trigger. 

A DA trigger pull is an extremely long version of a roll trigger in a 1911 or long second stage in target guns. If it helps the shooter concentrate on fundamentals then it is a good process.

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speed related to accuracy Empty Re: speed related to accuracy

Post by james r chapman Fri Dec 29, 2023 1:08 pm

Generally in bullseye DA would be used at 25 yds for sustained fire.
At 50 yards, one handed, SA is much easier to control.

Although many High Master revolver shooters (Jason) shoot SA all the way through.
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james r chapman

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speed related to accuracy Empty Re: speed related to accuracy

Post by chiz1180 Fri Dec 29, 2023 2:43 pm

If you are shooting “fast” you are likely not overthinking your process. If you overthinking your process, you can easily pick one aspect of your process and let other parts become less important that probably shouldn’t be ignored.

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speed related to accuracy Empty D/A only for me!

Post by jjfitch Fri Dec 29, 2023 10:42 pm

My double action competition revolvers are D/A only. I don't think I've ever shot a single round to test my S/A accuracy! I think of D/A properly administered is no different than S/A except for the "thumb" upsetting the sight picture. I also so like steering the front sight while pressing the trigger during precision shooting! :0

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speed related to accuracy Empty Re: speed related to accuracy

Post by JRV Fri Dec 29, 2023 11:27 pm

I shoot SA all the way through. With  stocks that fit and a nice sharp target hammer, you cock as part of the recoil recovery process and start managing trigger pressure once the front sight settles back in the notch.  

Rapid fire is loads of time.  So long as you break the first shot on the turn, you have more than two seconds to break each shot.

I know guys that shoot DA on the short line and do particularly well, but I cannot imagine (at best) a long 6-8 pound trigger helping a shooter realize their best accuracy potential.


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