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Gunpowder age

bruce martindale
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Gunpowder age - Page 3 Empty Gunpowder age

Post by MkFiji 1/1/2024, 12:58 pm

First topic message reminder :

I bought a hair under 8lbs of Bullseye last night.  Today I realize it’s from 2009

Doesn’t look rusty nor have strong of a scent that I can tell

So my question is: Does gunpowder lose its effectiveness as it ages?

For a given weight, will I get better FPS with new powder vs my 15 year old powder?

I plan on buying a 1lb bottle and testing it but would love to hear your guys experiences 



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Gunpowder age - Page 3 Empty Re: Gunpowder age

Post by Cmysix 3/13/2024, 4:17 pm

Hey I'm not a very smart man, all you very learned people with the ability to find these dissertations on powders and explosives online have far exceeded my capability's and I don't want to die in a ball of flames or take out 4 city blocks because the old powders I have increased in power ten fold as several of you have pointed out, I do not have anything that looks like any of the pictures you all have provided. BUT like several of you have said" HOW DO YOU KNOW" I don't know and HOW DO I KNOW that the newer powders I have like WIN760 8 lbs I bought it like two years ago and when I received the MFG date is like 5 years before that. and that came from a very well known to us all supplier. So HOW DO YOU KNOW?. is really only leaves a person with one choice, Because how do I know that Hogden, or Remington, Winchester or any of the big MFG's of powder of ammo is selling absolute garbage cause after all we know that they just care about making a buck and don't care if they kill their customers, just so long as they get their money of the big sporting goods stores just keeping stuff in the warehouse for years and years before selling it, so they can sell it for more money then they paid, HOW DO YOU KNOW? I DON"T so I'm going too throw out ALL of the powders I have. I'm going to start a fire in a barrel and destroy all of the primers I have because HOW DO YOU KNOW if they didn't increase in power over time, HOW DO YOU KNOW. I am very worried about my fellow human beings and since I can not trust my supply of components and ammo because  HOW DO YOU KNOW.  I can't sell any of my guns because I don't want my fellow human beings to hurt themselves, because how do you know? I'm going to buy a Habor freight chop saw and chop all my guns in several pieces and sell them for scrap metal and just stop shooting all together, Because as you and others have pointed out 40 years or 2 weeks. HOW DO YOU KNOW?.

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Gunpowder age - Page 3 Empty Re: Gunpowder age

Post by Cmysix 3/14/2024, 11:24 am

MkFiji wrote:I bought a hair under 8lbs of Bullseye last night.  Today I realize it’s from 2009

Doesn’t look rusty nor have strong of a scent that I can tell

So my question is: Does gunpowder lose its effectiveness as it ages?

For a given weight, will I get better FPS with new powder vs my 15 year old powder?

I plan on buying a 1lb bottle and testing it but would love to hear your guys experiences 


looking forward to your test. I posted mine they chose to ignore it, The bullseye from who knows when is shooting right in the box of the old Hercules load data I have, 230 grn.RN 5.0 grn. 905 FPS

Posts : 360
Join date : 2022-12-23
Age : 66
Location : Opelika Alabama

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