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home made .22 conversion up-dated up-date

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home made .22 conversion up-dated up-date Empty home made .22 conversion up-dated up-date

Post by Froneck 2/22/2024, 1:01 am

Been very busy so I didn't have time to work on my conversion. But found some time and finished the slide. Tried Rust Blue, Caspian frame blued great, my slide may need more work. The steel used was S2 tool steel. Not much to do, extractor slot in the barrel needs to be cut, components in the slide need to be installed, Bronze trigger radius cut and slide stop attached to slide stop pin, hammer, disconnector and sear installed and I can test fire it.home made .22 conversion up-dated up-date Cimg2310


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Age : 77

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home made .22 conversion up-dated up-date Empty Re: home made .22 conversion up-dated up-date

Post by Froneck 3/4/2024, 4:41 am

I had some time so I did more work on my conversion. Made slide stop and radiused the trigger. Also ordered a slide stop for 1911 9mm to see if it will work better. Scope rail is Aluminum. I think I have pins and spring for thumb safety and slide stop, if not I'll get them ordered. Trigger is Al. Bronze like my shoes, fitted so it will not move up/down or left /right but will slide to rear on it's own weight. Will have to drill and tap the trigger for slide stop and make a trigger shoe. (might have one in my pile) Grip safety and main spring housing is one piece so no grip safety.home made .22 conversion up-dated up-date Cimg2312


Posts : 1822
Join date : 2014-04-05
Age : 77

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