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lighter dot

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lighter dot Empty lighter dot

Post by tonyd12 4/2/2024, 8:45 am

I have a walter gsp with a Champion choice mount. I have a ultra dot 2 mounted. However, after shoulder surgery, the gun is too heavy. any lighter sights for a replacement


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lighter dot Empty Re: lighter dot

Post by L. Boscoe 4/2/2024, 9:48 am

Had similar problem. Holosun was the only lighter choice.

L. Boscoe

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lighter dot Empty Re: lighter dot

Post by Wobbley 4/2/2024, 10:13 am

There are others….Sig Romeo 5, and others….

But if you really want to have a lighter dot, you need to look at reflex open emitter dots.  They’re accurate and VERY robust.  They’re a bit problematic to adjust for range changes but there are ways around that.

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lighter dot Empty Re: lighter dot

Post by JHHolliday 4/2/2024, 10:59 am

I have Vortex Venoms on my .22 and 1911.  They are simple, weigh very little, and have worked fine.  As others with astigmatism  my 'progressive' corrective lenses can make the dot look like the 60s, but this was mitigated with new shooting glasses that are UNprogressive (single Rx = distance).

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lighter dot Empty Re: lighter dot

Post by rburk 4/3/2024, 12:23 am

You may also want to consider a lighter gun for awhile.  A Ruger 22/45  with a trigger job, and a lightweight red dot might save more weight and help keep you shooting.


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