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My practice is starting to pay off

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My practice is starting to pay off Empty My practice is starting to pay off

Post by mustachio 5/5/2024, 10:12 am

Last year I had WAL (a gunsmith/machinist from the Beretta Forum, he is located in PA) install a bushing on my 92FS. I have been shooting it a lot lately and I am slowly improving. Below is a target with 30 rounds fired at 20 yards, unsupported and with two hands. I was shooting 135gr. from Freedom Munitions. This is not an anomaly, as I can do this consistently. Total score was 295/300. Yes, there is one flyer and that got me mad. The vast majority of the 30 rounds are within 4 inches and most of those within 2-2.5". If you want a more accurate 92 series ask WAL to do his magic for you. I am glad that I did. The club I belong to in West Palm Beach Florida has added the 60' match for next year and I am excited that I will be competitive. We will shoot two strings of 15 rounds, each in a time period of 8 minutes. 
My 92FS has all metal parts (no plastic), 12# main spring, 13# recoil spring, LPA adjustable sights, steel recoil spring guide, 3.3# trigger, polished hammer and sear engagement and G10 grips from Gunnn Grips.. 
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Join date : 2019-04-05
Age : 75
Location : South Florida

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