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Hammerli SPP20 Otpic Mount Rail

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Hammerli SPP20 Otpic Mount Rail Empty Hammerli SPP20 Otpic Mount Rail

Post by Rayboyusmc67 6/7/2024, 7:14 pm

I just bought a brand new beautiful Hammerli SP20rss in S&W Long wc.  It came with five holes on the top drilled and tapped.  I know there is a rail for this gun because I have seen examples on line, but I can't find anywhere they might sell one.  I had a shorter rail made for a different gun that fit two of the holes and I mounted that for now with a red dot sight.

I really want to find the one intended for it since it is lower and looks a more professional.  At 80, even with pretty good vision, those old fixed sights just don't do it for any precision shooting.

Any help is greatly appreciated

Rayboy USMC

Semper Fi


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Join date : 2024-05-03

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Hammerli SPP20 Otpic Mount Rail Empty Re: Hammerli SPP20 Otpic Mount Rail

Post by fc60 6/8/2024, 11:32 am


I have one.

Check your PM.



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Location : South Prairie, WA 98385

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