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Interesting changes proposed to the CMP Pistol Program

Mike M.
james r chapman
Dave C.
john bickar
Steve B
Rob Kovach
Jack H
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Interesting changes proposed to the CMP Pistol Program - Page 6 Empty Interesting changes proposed to the CMP Pistol Program

Post by bmac Sat May 31, 2014 10:47 am

First topic message reminder :

A wider variety of pistols classified as service pistols + more EIC matches per year.


Comment period ends July 7th.


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Join date : 2014-04-15

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Interesting changes proposed to the CMP Pistol Program - Page 6 Empty Re: Interesting changes proposed to the CMP Pistol Program

Post by C.Perkins Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:25 pm

Jon Eulette wrote:So I guess to summarize the new rules, I'd call it an "EIC Wadgun Match". Service Pistol doesn't exist anymore. I don't mind the thumb safety,  beavertail grip safety or commander hammer allowances, but the change from 230 gr to 185's takes the cake. I don't think it's going to change the pecking order because fundamentals are fundamentals,  but let's be realistic; it's not service pistol anymore. I do like the minimum 250 score. I am interested in seeing the matches grow, I only hope this helps.

Only thing I will comment about this whole new rules change is that I agree what Jon has stated.

I shoot a modified M9 only because I  cannot take the recoil of a .45 shooting hard ball due to a broken wrist years ago that was fused and screwed together.


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Interesting changes proposed to the CMP Pistol Program - Page 6 Empty 2015 CMP Service Pistol Changes

Post by brassmaster Thu Jan 01, 2015 1:16 pm

Fellow Bullseye Competitors, I have read with much interest the posts regarding this subject and several of the posts appear to be misinformed or speculation. Follow this hot link for the 2015 CMP Service Pistol changes. The whole landscape of the program is changing. As the famous 60s song, for those of us that were around in the 60s, "the times they're a changin'." 

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Location : West Virginia

http://www.whitehorsecenter.org, click on Brassmasters

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Interesting changes proposed to the CMP Pistol Program - Page 6 Empty Re: Interesting changes proposed to the CMP Pistol Program

Post by Colt711 Fri Jan 02, 2015 2:50 am

Having shot "ball matches" and earned distinguished a long time ago I natuarally have an affection for the way it was and see that as how it should be. I see the comments re: maybe 6 shooters and would like to see you current shooters experience what we did in the 70's & '80s. I have only shot ball (official DCM then) mastches @ 3 ranges, Bristol IN, Canton McKinlrey, and Perry. There were always 2 relays and a lot of shooters. There was a different aura when the ball matches started, Ammo issue, usually in littlr brown bags stapled shut, guns being inspected, called to the line then a wait, I always thought it was run by veterans already distinguished just to build up more anxiety and just in case somebodyy wasn't already half out of their mind from nerves. Somebody would say "their doing random weighing of triggers" I never believed that was the reason. I got so fired up I couldn't find my ammo which had just been issued mins before taking the line and was in the gunbox all the time!? I would always have to funble for the 2nd clip too.

The sport certainly has to reagain numbers and that being the case changes are needed a hopefully this will help. An improved economy, and ammo availability at more reasonable prices are also needed.

A very big negative is the variety of ammo and not issueing true ball ammo 230's in .45 and whatever is military for the mou-- uh 9mm.

A friend who @ 88 still shoots has told me many times "Ron we had the best yrs of pistol shooting". I hope he is proven wrong. It's been great and I hope you yonger guys get a chance to experience what we older shooters have. Keep up the participation. Rules will change again. Don't get discouraged by scores or decisions that go against you.

Many X's & 10's to all of you!

Ron Habegger


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Interesting changes proposed to the CMP Pistol Program - Page 6 Empty Re: Interesting changes proposed to the CMP Pistol Program

Post by Jack H Fri Jan 02, 2015 4:42 am

Shooters can always keep a personal goal like to shoot over 855 with 230 FMJ going at least 810-820fps.  .

I am not sure what the M9 fps equivalent would be.
Jack H
Jack H

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Interesting changes proposed to the CMP Pistol Program - Page 6 Empty Re: Interesting changes proposed to the CMP Pistol Program

Post by james r chapman Fri Jan 02, 2015 10:44 am

Issuing ammo, to me was the defining moment in a distinguished match.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Interesting changes proposed to the CMP Pistol Program - Page 6 Empty Re: Interesting changes proposed to the CMP Pistol Program

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