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Filler for rear sight

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Filler for rear sight Empty Filler for rear sight

Post by LenV 12/23/2014, 8:44 pm

I was bored today and decided to put a Clark rail on my RO. I have it all drilled, etc. But now I am looking for something to replace the rear sight to fill the void under the rail. I checked the spots like Brownels but was hoping someone here would have a different source. That rear sight took up a pretty big chunk of the slide and it looks like something is missing out of the finished product. I know it won't change how it shoots but....


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Age : 74
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Filler for rear sight Empty Re: Filler for rear sight

Post by Bubba Blaster 12/24/2014, 12:27 am


How about a slide racker ?  There are a few different models out there.

Bubba Blaster

Posts : 187
Join date : 2013-10-20

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Filler for rear sight Empty Re: Filler for rear sight

Post by Virgil Kane 12/24/2014, 8:42 am

Bubba Blaster wrote:http://www.midwayusa.com/product/215075/briley-slide-racker-bo-mar-cut-1911-blue?cm_vc=ProductFinding

How about a slide racker ?  There are a few different models out there.

If you are interested in the Briley slide racker let me know.  I have a brand new one laying around here somewhere and if I can find it maybe we can work something out.


Virgil Kane

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Filler for rear sight Empty Re: Filler for rear sight

Post by LenV 12/24/2014, 9:52 am

Thanks Bubba and Virgil. That slide racker looks like it would be perfect if it fits the cut on my Range officer. I read the 2 reviews on Midway and it sounds like it would be a good choice. I will send Virgil a PM.


Posts : 4741
Join date : 2014-01-24
Age : 74
Location : Oregon

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Filler for rear sight Empty Re: Filler for rear sight

Post by Virgil Kane 12/24/2014, 12:02 pm


PM sent

Virgil Kane

Posts : 574
Join date : 2011-06-10

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