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Pardini SP Ammo?

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Pardini SP Ammo? Empty Pardini SP Ammo?

Post by beeser 2/28/2015, 9:02 am

I purchased another Pardini SP and was wondering what ammo to get for it.  My other one (older style) shot everything it was fed and I still have a small amount CCI SV and Norma Tac remaining.  But what is recommended for the newer SPs?


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Pardini SP Ammo? Empty Re: Pardini SP Ammo?

Post by jmdavis 2/28/2015, 10:10 am

My understabnding is that some of the older models didn't deal with the length differences of US ammo too well. That suggests that any thing that would work in the older will probably be just fine in the newer. 

At the high end and 50 yards for matches, I would probably just follow Jerry K's advice and shoot Eley Red. I would sure do that if I was shooting consistent expert and master scores. 

You could test some ammo and see what it likes, which is probably the best. Or you could shoot what you have, which is probably second best. Whatever you decide you need a reliable source of ammo.

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Pardini SP Ammo? Empty Re: Pardini SP Ammo?

Post by CrankyThunder 2/28/2015, 5:55 pm

Dear Beeser:

I have done extensive ammo testing with my two year old pardini bullseye pistol and found that wolf match target is at the apex of the price vs accuracy curve.  To put that another way, I have not found a more expensive ammo that is any more accurate and the cheaper ammos (cci sv) printed a less accurate group or was not reliable (eley target). 

I have tested over twelve flavors of ammo and evaluated them with a chronograph and a set of calipers and determined that wolf match target is the ammo for me. 

The most surprising result that was determined was that SK pistol match and SK pistol match special did not work any better then wolf match target.  As a matter of fact, while the accuracy was there, the variance in velocity was significantly higher then wolf match target.

Do a search on rimfire central for my report.


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Pardini SP Ammo? Empty Re: Pardini SP Ammo?

Post by CrankyThunder 2/28/2015, 6:01 pm

the only problem that I have encountered with wolf match target is that it is too slimey or greasy and that grease interferes with your grip of the pistol.  I have counteracted this with chlorox baby wipes to clean my hands off after loading the mags.

Unfortunately, the slimey lubrication is typical for the mid priced ammo at about $6.00 a box.


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Pardini SP Ammo? Empty Re: Pardini SP Ammo?

Post by beeser 2/28/2015, 8:00 pm

Thanks Cranky!  I was hoping you would respond.  The Wolf Match Target sounds like a winner for me.  Do you have a recommended source for it?  As jmdavis stated, a good reliable source is important too.

BTW, I'm probably going to follow another one of your leads by ordering grips set with the 1911 grip angle.  That was really the only complaint about my other Pardini.  I'm leaning in the Dick Horton direction but I was just informed he doesn't have a source for laminated wood, my preference based on my previous Rink grips.


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Pardini SP Ammo? Empty Re: Pardini SP Ammo?

Post by CrankyThunder 3/1/2015, 5:12 am


Go to my team's web site for links to suppliers, especially ammo suppliers.  While you are there, the pardini on one of the pages is mine with the Horton grips. 

While I have only had the grips a couple of years, I do not see any reason to insist on laminated grips.  As a matter of fact, some of my teammates have had the Horton grips (various pistols) for quite a while and are quite satisfied with them. 

As for the wolf match target ammo, I find that I get the best results by using some baby wipes on my hands after every load.  They get the grease off my hands and if I do forget to use them, next target I wipe down the grip and my hand after loading. 

I have my ammo test results in a journal that I would be happy to scan and send to you should you send me your email.  Testing was done at 25 yards and I found that the best accuracy I could do with a handgun on a rest was 3/8th inch or so.  I obtained this level of accuracy with quite a number of ammo's, the only ammo that could not match this accuracy was CCI SV. 

When the weather warms up, I am going to repeat the test with a different target that I should be able to hold a tighter zero with and also extend the range out to 50 yards to try and discern any advantages of one ammo over another. 

As for ammo procurement, when I get under a case of ammo in my supply, I start cruising the suppliers websites, sign up for instant notifications, and order a case when it becomes available.  In the last couple years, I have searched for a number of months until finding a case and did run low on ammo such that I had to curtail practicing. 

Curiously, my teammate's pardini which is three years old does not prefer CCI SV either.  But, one of the teams we compete against, Group Therapy, has a number of shooters that shoot a pardini and most of them use CCI SV although their pardini's are not as new as mine.  You can find Group Therapy's website with a simple search or follow the link from the pardini usa website.  Group Therapy also has a facebook page too.


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Age : 65
Location : The ugly part of Hell, Michigan


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