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Best ammo choices for Pardini SP

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Best ammo choices for Pardini SP Empty Best ammo choices for Pardini SP

Post by hengehold 9/21/2023, 10:27 pm

Much to my dismay the CCI SV I have is too long for my SP mags. After measuring some odds and ends of ammo I have on hand the Agula and Norma 22 TAC are definitely short enough to be clear of the mag on the bullet tip. What other ammo is best suited for the SP? 



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Best ammo choices for Pardini SP Empty Re: Best ammo choices for Pardini SP

Post by bmize1 9/21/2023, 10:30 pm

Try a different lot number of cci sv.
There was a bad lot back a year or two ago.
Cci sv is all my wife shoots in hers. She has 5 mags from different years and has no problem


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Best ammo choices for Pardini SP Empty Re: Best ammo choices for Pardini SP

Post by RoyDean 9/21/2023, 10:52 pm

Aguila Super Extra SV has been very reliable and quite accurate in my Pardini's. It is again now readily available, cheap (less than $3/50). Have shot several 890's with it in training. Why bother with anything else?

If you want to use "match ammo", for matches, Pardini USA offers Eley Bullseye Pistol X. About $7/50 or so. It is said to be formulated specifically for the Pardini SP22 new. Works well for me. 891 personal best match AGG, including a clean SF card. No doubt there are High Masters out there who have shot even better.



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Best ammo choices for Pardini SP Empty Re: Best ammo choices for Pardini SP

Post by donp 9/22/2023, 6:59 am

I always used Aguila super extra for practice and indoor matches. Don Nygord recommended RWS rifle match to me when I bought the pistol from him. SK works well also.


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Best ammo choices for Pardini SP Empty Re: Best ammo choices for Pardini SP

Post by BEA 9/22/2023, 11:36 am

A point of clarity...according to SAAMI, the OAL for 22 LR is 1.000" max and .950" on the short side.  Any ammo that is not longer than 1 inch is within specification.  The last rounds of CCI that I bothered to measure were right at 1 inch.  The issue with CCI in the Pardini is not the ammo being too long, it is that the Pardini mag dimensions are geared for European target ammo which is shorter.  I knew the CCI rimfire engineer and was talking to him about making their 22 SV perhaps .025" shorter (like Eley). He said it would be a rather simple adjustment to the bullet forming machine.  However, the idea would have to be approved, new cartridge drawings made and then ballistics testing completed.  He asked me why this needed to be done.  The wheels were turning in my head...considering that CCI makes many tens of millions of rounds of 22 SV a year, and this change would be for the convenience of a few hundred US Pardini owners who on a very busy year might shoot a couple hundred thousand rounds of SV ammo...I decided not draw attention to myself by pushing this idea on stage.  So, I responded to him..."just curious."


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Best ammo choices for Pardini SP Empty Re: Best ammo choices for Pardini SP

Post by hengehold 9/23/2023, 8:57 pm

BEA wrote:A point of clarity...according to SAAMI, the OAL for 22 LR is 1.000" max and .950" on the short side.  Any ammo that is not longer than 1 inch is within specification.  The last rounds of CCI that I bothered to measure were right at 1 inch.  The issue with CCI in the Pardini is not the ammo being too long, it is that the Pardini mag dimensions are geared for European target ammo which is shorter.  I knew the CCI rimfire engineer and was talking to him about making their 22 SV perhaps .025" shorter (like Eley). He said it would be a rather simple adjustment to the bullet forming machine.  However, the idea would have to be approved, new cartridge drawings made and then ballistics testing completed.  He asked me why this needed to be done.  The wheels were turning in my head...considering that CCI makes many tens of millions of rounds of 22 SV a year, and this change would be for the convenience of a few hundred US Pardini owners who on a very busy year might shoot a couple hundred thousand rounds of SV ammo...I decided not draw attention to myself by pushing this idea on stage.  So, I responded to him..."just curious."
Thanks for the note about SAAMI specs.


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Best ammo choices for Pardini SP Empty Re: Best ammo choices for Pardini SP

Post by Wobbley 9/24/2023, 12:37 pm

Have you tried Norma Tac-22 or their “Match” version?

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Best ammo choices for Pardini SP Empty Re: Best ammo choices for Pardini SP

Post by Amanda4461 9/24/2023, 3:04 pm

Mine loves SK+ and Wolf ME. It does indeed group tighter from a rest, using Eley TENEX, but not enough to justify the cost difference.

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Best ammo choices for Pardini SP Empty Re: Best ammo choices for Pardini SP

Post by croesler 9/24/2023, 7:13 pm

Some Pardini magazines seem to handle the CCI fine and some don't.  I think the older mags are ever so slightly longer.

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Best ammo choices for Pardini SP Empty Re: Best ammo choices for Pardini SP

Post by WillH 9/24/2023, 7:39 pm

My Pardini came with 2 mags that fit CCI just fine.  I ordered an extra one and they wanted to hang up near the top (i.e. rounds too long).  Perhaps part of the problem with CCI being long and maybe another to do with some Pardini mags or combination of both factors.  I took apart the problem mag and used a small round file to iteratively remove some of the material (the surface contacting bullet tip) from the magazine where the rounds wanted to drag/stick until they moved freely, then removed a touch more. It didn't take much, maybe a few thousandths.  Once moving freely I polished that surface with increasing grits of sand paper working up to 600.  I needed to do this since I had too much CCI standard laying around to not use it.   I read about this problem and fix somewhere on this forum.   I'm now running CCI standard fine in it now across all 3 of my mags and it hasn't adversely affected the running of other brands that tend to be a touch shorter.

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Best ammo choices for Pardini SP Empty Re: Best ammo choices for Pardini SP

Post by RoyDean 9/24/2023, 7:47 pm

"the Pardini mag dimensions are geared for European target ammo which is shorter."

I'm willing to bet that Pardini made their mags to suit 25mm long 22LR ammo. According to BEA, the SAAMI spec allows up to exactly 1", which is 25.4mm. 

Just the kind of "rounding up/down" between Metric and Imperial that has confounded mechanics and gunsmiths for decades!

lol! lol! lol!

Last edited by RoyDean on 9/25/2023, 12:50 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : quote marks)


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Best ammo choices for Pardini SP Empty Re: Best ammo choices for Pardini SP

Post by msmith44 9/25/2023, 1:25 pm

Wobbley wrote:Have you tried Norma Tac-22 or their “Match” version?
I have used Tac-22 for the past 18 months in my Pardini SP. I use it for training because of its low price. For most of that time, it has been a reliable cartridge although I feel like I should take a shower after each session because of the lubricant. It is a dirty round, dirtier then CCI SV. It requires frequent gun cleaning and gums up magazines after 1000 rounds of so. Lately, I have had frequent FTEs and inconsistent ignitions that have me frequently inspecting the barrel for squibs.

Of course, YMMV and it is a budget cartridge. You get what you pay for.


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Best ammo choices for Pardini SP Empty Re: Best ammo choices for Pardini SP

Post by hengehold 9/26/2023, 9:28 pm

Wobbley wrote:Have you tried Norma Tac-22 or their “Match” version?
Yes. The TAC-22 is on the short en of the SAAMI spec so that will work if I can find it.


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Best ammo choices for Pardini SP Empty Re: Best ammo choices for Pardini SP

Post by msmith44 9/26/2023, 10:47 pm

hengehold wrote:
Wobbley wrote:Have you tried Norma Tac-22 or their “Match” version?
Yes. The TAC-22 is on the short en of the SAAMI spec so that will work if I can find it.
Look at Ammoseek. You'll find it there. I got a case last week and shot a bit this afternoon. 90 rounds, Five times a soft round, ejection but a FTL the next round.  I was shooting a Pardini SP. I shot Bullseye-X and SK Match yesterday, no problems. It's not the gun. TAC-22 is not a competition round IMO.


Last edited by msmith44 on 9/26/2023, 10:50 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added material)


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Best ammo choices for Pardini SP Empty Re: Best ammo choices for Pardini SP

Post by RoyDean 9/26/2023, 11:23 pm

Sorry. Like a broken record! Aguila SV for practice Eley BPX for match. Ho hum!


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Best ammo choices for Pardini SP Empty Re: Best ammo choices for Pardini SP

Post by 641 9/27/2023, 5:42 am

My particular SPNew works best with SK Standard (practice) and Lapua Pistol King (match).  YMMV.

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Best ammo choices for Pardini SP Empty Re: Best ammo choices for Pardini SP

Post by TonyH 9/27/2023, 6:40 am

hengehold wrote:
Wobbley wrote:Have you tried Norma Tac-22 or their “Match” version?
Yes. The TAC-22 is on the short en of the SAAMI spec so that will work if I can find it.
You can purchase Norma TAC-22 directly from the Norma website....sign up on their email list and they have sales w/ free shipping couple of times per year. BTW, I shoot this ammo in a Benelli MP95E exclusively with zero FTL or FTF....and routinely get HM scores with it, no questions. If it functions in your pistol, use it. The whole match ammo thing doesn't really apply to BE Pistol....even CCI Blazer will shoot M/HM scores with the right gun/indian Very Happy combo......my opinion, of course.

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