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Reloading for .32 ACP?

Wes Lorenz
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Reloading for .32 ACP? - Page 2 Empty Reloading for .32 ACP?

Post by beeser 3/28/2015, 9:18 am

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I plan to reload for .32 ACP soon.  Dillon makes an XL650 caliber conversion kit for it but no dies.  What dies are recommended?  Any tips, tricks or anything unique to reloading .32 ACP?


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Reloading for .32 ACP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Reloading for .32 ACP?

Post by beeser 5/19/2015, 5:00 pm

jmdavis wrote:I think that the 550 works. Or you could use single stage.
The 650 works but plaqued with the problems mentioned earlier.  Dillon says that the AMU is using a 1050 for their .32 ACP so the size of the machine is not the problem.  I'll set up the Star for .32 ACP before buying the 550.  I also have a single stage press just in case.


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Reloading for .32 ACP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Reloading for .32 ACP?

Post by jmdavis 5/19/2015, 6:02 pm

Your decision, but it is easier to change calibers on a 550 than a Star. 

I wish Dilllon would put out a Square Deal B in .32 acp.

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Reloading for .32 ACP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Reloading for .32 ACP?

Post by Guest 5/19/2015, 6:31 pm

If you are looking for a Star Reloader I have heard good things about http://www.starmachineworks.com

I have not done business with him, but many people appear to be happy with his restored reloaders.



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Reloading for .32 ACP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Reloading for .32 ACP?

Post by beeser 5/19/2015, 7:52 pm

ChipEck wrote:If you are looking for a Star Reloader I have heard good things about http://www.starmachineworks.com

I have not done business with him, but many people appear to be happy with his restored reloaders.

Thanks Chip but I already have a Star Universal lined up.  The seller just needs to set it up for whatever caliber I want.  I put off the purchase because he didn't have the parts for .32 ACP but after having problems with the 650 I'll probably just get the Star and have it set up for .32 S&W.  When or if I can get the .32 ACP parts for it I'll make a caliber change.  I'm aware of Star Machine Works.  Unfortunately they didn't have the .32 ACP stuff I needed.


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Reloading for .32 ACP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Reloading for .32 ACP?

Post by Rob Kovach 5/21/2015, 11:28 pm

Lee has the setup for .32 acp for their Loadmaster progressive and Pro-1000.
Not the fanciest stuff, but I like my Pro 1000.

you can reload the 32 ACP on the Pro1000 or Loadmaster. The Shell Plate number would be a #7 (Pro1000 = 90655; Loadmaster = 90913).
The only issue you may have with reloading the 32 ACP would be with charging it. The Powder Measure currently found on the presses might not charge low enough for certain powders, but there should be some that can be used.
Rob Kovach
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Reloading for .32 ACP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Reloading for .32 ACP?

Post by beeser 5/25/2015, 12:32 pm

Wes Lorenz wrote:Hi Beeser,
For the past 25 years I have reloaded the .32 S&W Long, first on a Dillon Sq Deal and then a RL-1050 for use with my GSP (highest score was an 886 using Magnus & Speer bullets). 
In 2003 I had Dave make a test barrel for my GSP in .32acp. Reloading this cartridge made it a little harder to handle the bullets (that little 60gr bullet makes you feel like you have clubs for fingers!), but better results on 50 yard targets continued funding the project. 
I found that the hardest thing to do is throw "repeatable" powder charges. With the Dillon presses noted above, the best results were achieved with the use of a Lee auto-disc powder measure and not the Dillon extra-small powder bar or the Arrerondo (which sticks occasionally, in my 1050 anyway and it cost me a .45 barrel - YMMV).
When first reloading the 32acp I used a single stage and weighed charges. Then a little while later, Dave convinced me to use a Star Progressive I had and he would make .32acp dies, expander, powder funnel and a shellplate for it.
The Star is by far the most consistently "repeatable" re-loader for small powder charges of the machines mentioned herein.
My advice is to find an old Star and have Dave make the necessary parts to convert it. The progressive is cheaper to buy and works fine, as there is only .020" of difference in case diameter.
This picture is of the Progressive shell plate & dies on a Universal due to case feeding problems, as this made it easier to remove the cases at the sizing station. I did figure out a redesign of the adapter for the casefeeder that solved the problem. I'll be moving the parts back to the Progressive machine in awhile.
Hope this helps others make choices and continue the development of this great CF cartridge!

Reloading for .32 ACP? - Page 2 EpyEMzVNjgffqXu7BVkWEVXtnFIMVS_TgFPT2FfOrZc=w161-h213-p-noReloading for .32 ACP? - Page 2 BPugqtpt41fw_Qikv1xgHtOZTXQBdf4-BSFSbI70xWI=w161-h213-p-no

I've been able to solve the problems experienced loading .32 ACP with my Dillon XL650 but since I have a Star Universal coming my way I expect to give it a try anyway.  Is there anything special I should know about operating this machine.  It will come with .32 S&W Long dies, etc. but I hope to load .32 ACP when dies, shellplate, etc. become available.


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Reloading for .32 ACP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Reloading for .32 ACP?

Post by Colt711 5/25/2015, 5:53 pm

Go to the Star Reloader website.
There is a schematic that can be helpful, and a forum in which problems & modifications etc discussed. It is helpfull to have a resource for machining if you own one.
The Star Co, and the entire parts inventory has been purchased by a new owner who is very motivated to address the needs of Star owners. I have loaded my target ammmuntion on them since 1973 and will continue doing so as long as possible.
I have never loaded the .32's so can't commetr specifically on those calibers.
Ron Habegger

Last edited by Colt711 on 5/25/2015, 6:00 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : 5-25-15 correct spelling & grammar)


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Reloading for .32 ACP? - Page 2 Empty Re: Reloading for .32 ACP?

Post by Wes Lorenz 5/25/2015, 10:54 pm

since I have a Star Universal coming my way I expect to give it a try anyway.  Is there anything special I should know about operating this machine.  It will come with .32 S&W Long dies, etc. but I hope to load .32 ACP when dies, shellplate, etc. become available.
Hi beeser,
I'm lucky to have Dave Wilson as a friend and live close to him. He has made the 32acp parts for my Star including the shellplate, dies, powder slide and expanders. Powder bushings - I have an Excel file to specify the bushing ID needed for the powder charge I want to try, PM me if you want it.
Things I'd suggest are:
1. Bullet specific seating stem (helps seat the bullet square)
2. Diameter specific resize die (mine is .329" ID and helps prevent bullet set back. My 32long sizer allowed bullets to be pressed back into the case).
3. Expander profile w/M step specific to the XTP or LSWC bearing surface.
4. Powder slide - I prefer the busing type over the adjustable (I have both).
5. Extra long powder funnel.
Using the above parts I no longer have problems with reloading ammo.
Hope this helps,
Wes Lorenz
Wes Lorenz

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