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Mounting ultradot on Springfield RO

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Mounting ultradot on Springfield RO Empty Mounting ultradot on Springfield RO

Post by lablover 8/2/2015, 5:46 pm

So, OldMaster65 posted a pic on my thread a few days back and being limited in funds, I see this as an option for me to shoot both NRA and CMP..Take the scope and rail off and shoot cmp I assume.  Where does one send his RO to get this rail mounted?  I will post a pic that OldMaster posted if thats ok.  I like the option of going 2 different routes.

On another note and I ask here only because I don't want to start another thread.  My Wife bought me a very nice Kimber Desert Warrior last year as a B day gift.  It's a 70 series type 1911 but is Tan and has a frame mounted (integrated) rail for a light etc.  What could I use this for ?  Cmp?  NRA?  I'd like it to have some use.  I would trade it but we all know what would happen if I pulled that stunt...LOL

Mounting ultradot on Springfield RO Dscf0212

Last edited by lablover on 8/2/2015, 6:26 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Mounting ultradot on Springfield RO Empty Re: Mounting ultradot on Springfield RO

Post by Rob Kovach 8/2/2015, 6:12 pm

To post a pic, follow the sticky instructions that are found in the "Commercial Row" section.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Mounting ultradot on Springfield RO Empty Re: Mounting ultradot on Springfield RO

Post by lablover 8/2/2015, 6:24 pm

Well that sort of helped...LOL  I'll get it figured out


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Mounting ultradot on Springfield RO Empty Re: Mounting ultradot on Springfield RO

Post by Rob Kovach 8/2/2015, 8:36 pm

Most gunsmiths can mount a rail like the one in the picture--even if they aren't pistolsmiths.  There is probably one near you so you don't need to ship the gun.

I use this rail and I had my gunsmith mill the rail out so the sights could stay on under it but I still had the full length rail.

Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

Posts : 2692
Join date : 2011-06-13
Age : 51
Location : Brooklyn, WI

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