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Adjusting to a new gun

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Adjusting to a new gun Empty Adjusting to a new gun

Post by mark_t 10/23/2011, 6:22 am

I've been a bullseye shooter less than a year. I started with a S&W 22a and did pretty well with it. I just got a Ruger MK 3 with a 2 1/2 lb trigger job. I've shot 2-300 rounds with the new gun so far and timed and rapid fire is giving me fits. Any suggestions?


Posts : 2
Join date : 2011-10-23

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Adjusting to a new gun Empty Re: Adjusting to a new gun

Post by Rob Kovach 10/23/2011, 6:25 pm

Grip angle on the Mk3 is too steep for me. My wrist is used to a 1911 angle like my high standard. If I try to shoot a ruger, I'm all over the place. When the shot breaks my wrist just isn't going back to where I started.

With practice and dryfiring you should start coming back on target when the shot breaks more naturally.

Then when you shoot your 1911, you will have to relearn that angle again.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Adjusting to a new gun Empty Re: Adjusting to a new gun

Post by BE Mike 10/24/2011, 12:24 pm

Try different grips!
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Adjusting to a new gun Empty Re: Adjusting to a new gun

Post by mark_t 10/28/2011, 6:10 am

Thanks for the advice. i bought a pair of Herrett Nationals grips from Bullseyegear.com


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Join date : 2011-10-23

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Adjusting to a new gun Empty Re: Adjusting to a new gun

Post by BE Mike 10/28/2011, 8:09 am

There are a lot of different grip designs. If those don't work out try some different ones. Many years ago I started out with a Ruger Mk I. I liked just about everything about it. I finally decided I wanted a .22 pistol with a grip angle that more closely matched my 1911 and went with a High Standard (Connecticut made). Of course, now there is the option of the Ruger 22/45.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Adjusting to a new gun Empty Re: Adjusting to a new gun

Post by Jack H 10/28/2011, 12:55 pm

To me the girth of a grip is more important than grip/wrist angle. Think about it. The height of your arm and head can change the wrist angle.

The girth also affects the trigger finger placement. And the idea of having the finger on the trigger at a certain joint point limits the range of a straight trigger pull if the girth is off a bit.
Jack H
Jack H

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