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Matchdot II for BuckMark?

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Matchdot II for BuckMark? Empty Matchdot II for BuckMark?

Post by JoeW Thu Oct 15, 2015 6:48 am

I'm getting ready to make the jump to a red dot and was considering a Matchdot II for my BuckMark with a Trail-Lite sight rail (http://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/BMINTSB01). Anyone have experience with that particular combo? Welcome any other thoughts... Still very new at this and HATE buying the wrong thing. :-) Many thanks in advance!


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Matchdot II for BuckMark? Empty Re: Matchdot II for BuckMark?

Post by BE Mike Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:12 am

IMHO, if you need the capability to switch back and forth from dot to iron sights, that looks like a good option. What I found, was once I went to the dot, I don't switch back to irons unless it is for specific rules, i.e. international pistol. UltraDot makes decent dot sights for the money. The only thing you might want to check out is if you like a 30 mm or 1" the best. You would really have to give both a try to determine which is for you.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Matchdot II for BuckMark? Empty Re: Matchdot II for BuckMark?

Post by DavidR Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:38 am

if you plan to use the iron sights for cmp, not sure that will pass the rules, i know you cant put a rail with irons on a 45 and pass, think its the same for a 22 used in cmp matches too. If just shooting bullseye then you can use it for sure.

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Matchdot II for BuckMark? Empty Re: Matchdot II for BuckMark?

Post by rich.tullo Thu Oct 15, 2015 12:11 pm

Good combo. 1 inch Ultra is a great value so unless you need to spend $250 I would try going with the 1 inch. 

I found Larry's has great prices on Ultra Dot.

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Matchdot II for BuckMark? Empty Re: Matchdot II for BuckMark?

Post by Russ OR Fri Oct 16, 2015 10:35 am

If it's for red dot or scope use, the Weigand Buckmark scope mount is Excellent-solid and a little extra length. - A word of caution: Take precautions to prevent the screws (at least the back one) from seizing to the aluminum base. Always use the conical lok washers-or put never-seize where the screw head contacts the base.  -- Russ

Russ OR

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