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Model 46 and Leg match

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Model 46 and Leg match Empty Model 46 and Leg match

Post by Dockokol Mon Nov 09, 2015 6:33 am

I shoot with an old model 46 that I had Clark put a rib on so I could mount a dot.  The original sights are still on the barrel.  I would like to shoot in the 22 leg matches, and I am considering buying a new Clark barrel to use on the 46 with a dot, and take the rib off the original 46 barrel to use in the leg 22 leg matches.  I am told the Clark 41 barrel will fit the 46, works fine but "looks funny".  Does anyone have any experience with this combination?



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Model 46 and Leg match Empty Re: Model 46 and Leg match

Post by jglenn21 Mon Nov 09, 2015 7:52 am

looks the same as a Clark on a 41 other than the bluing on the Clark will be more polished like a 41..

functionally the same.

I have a Clark on my old 41 and like it a lot.

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Age : 76
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