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FTF update (good) and brass ejection question.

james r chapman
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FTF update (good) and brass ejection question.  Empty FTF update (good) and brass ejection question.

Post by Tim:H11 Thu Feb 04, 2016 9:58 am

I'm going to drag up an older thread but a report back on all my failure to fire issues with my range officer. The new factory power firing pin spring worked to solve the problem. There was some rubbing on the first hammer notch and didn't like a hammer with three notches so I replaced it with a more typical hammer. Set the trigger stop so I had no rubbing issues between the sear and hammer. No problems. I've had a couple hundred more rounds through it now and no more issues. 

But on a new note- I'd like to use a brass catcher but the brass slings out either 3 o'clock, 4:30 or 5:30/6:00 and I feel the inconsistency in the direction of the brass would make a brass catcher useless. Why would the brass be all over the place? How do your pistols eject brass?

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FTF update (good) and brass ejection question.  Empty Re: FTF update (good) and brass ejection question.

Post by james r chapman Thu Feb 04, 2016 10:56 am

Probably why the BE 'smiths earn their $ tuning extractors and ejectors!
james r chapman
james r chapman

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FTF update (good) and brass ejection question.  Empty Re: FTF update (good) and brass ejection question.

Post by jglenn21 Thu Feb 04, 2016 11:25 am

uniform brass (extractor area) makes a large difference in the overall extraction/ejection function.

honestly as long as the gun feeds and ejects fine and the brass is not hitting you in the face I don't worry about it.. the catcher is more about your neighbor on the firing line to me

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FTF update (good) and brass ejection question.  Empty Re: FTF update (good) and brass ejection question.

Post by Skid Thu Feb 04, 2016 11:41 am

Tim my Range Officer ejects like that and I use a brass net and still seem to catch the majority of the flying brass. I just set my net a little closer to me than the pistol.


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FTF update (good) and brass ejection question.  Empty Re: FTF update (good) and brass ejection question.

Post by Chris Miceli Thu Feb 04, 2016 11:44 am

I just rain brass on people...it's the polite thing to do.

Chris Miceli

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FTF update (good) and brass ejection question.  Empty Re: FTF update (good) and brass ejection question.

Post by Tim:H11 Thu Feb 04, 2016 12:34 pm

Christopher Miceli wrote:I just rain brass on people...it's the polite thing to do.

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FTF update (good) and brass ejection question.  Empty Re: FTF update (good) and brass ejection question.

Post by rreid Thu Feb 04, 2016 7:17 pm

Your profile says you're 27, so I'm going to say you can bend down and pick up your brass.  But seriously, as long as it's getting out of the gun, and like jglenn said, not hitting you in the face, you're good. If you're a home gunsmith maybe this will help

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FTF update (good) and brass ejection question.  Empty Re: FTF update (good) and brass ejection question.

Post by KenO Thu Feb 04, 2016 7:31 pm

Move the brass catcher closer. I have mine just a few inches from the ejection port.


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FTF update (good) and brass ejection question.  Empty Re: FTF update (good) and brass ejection question.

Post by LenV Fri Feb 05, 2016 12:04 am

I would have to shoot thru the net with one of my pistols. It slings the brass right over my head or bounces off my glasses. I thought about just wearing the brass catcher. I pretty much ignored it since it runs so great. It is my ball gun and figured it was worth putting up with it the way it shot. RReid's post just above on how to adjust the Extractor/Ejector made me re-think that. I took the time and followed the steps outlined above and found why it was throwing them there. The contact was on the very bottom of the Ejector. It had a definite angle. I re-shaped it and cranked some dummy rounds thru it and it looks good. I will give it a live fire test when it is not in the middle of the night. I wonder how many other shooters looked at their pistol after reading that post. Thanks RReid.


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FTF update (good) and brass ejection question.  Empty Re: FTF update (good) and brass ejection question.

Post by rreid Fri Feb 05, 2016 10:34 pm

No problem.  Kuhnhausen's book has some info about extractors and ejectors, too. Also, make sure the ejector is tight in the frame, not able to be wiggled at all.

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