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.22 dedicated lower

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.22 dedicated lower Empty .22 dedicated lower

Post by spyer40 Sat Apr 30, 2016 3:35 pm

Been shooting my Nelson .22 conversion on my Caspian lower for a little over a month and it has been flawless.  Tired of swapping it back and forth though and looking to get a dedicated lower.  Clark did an accuracy and trigger job on my Caspian so I talked to them first so the triggers match.  Unfortunately they won't build dedicated lowers anymore but suggested calling Hayes Custom or getting a Ruger which would give me another complete gun and having them do a trigger job (and front strap checkering to match).  I have called Aaron and will be getting a quote.  I also talked to Larry and he suggested calling Ithaca Custom shop for a build.  Also looking at maybe a Springfield RO.  Trying to keep cost down but don't want to skimp and be in the "I wish I just would have..." down the road.  Any suggestions or advice?  Any problems with a Ruger or Springfield?  I love the Nelson, it runs like a swiss clock on the Caspian and is still way more accurate than me but I am catching up.  Nice to go to the range and shoot 50 rounds of .45 (hard to pick up my brass indoors) and then be able to shoot 200-300 of .22.


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.22 dedicated lower Empty Re: .22 dedicated lower

Post by JayhawkNavy02 Sat Apr 30, 2016 4:53 pm

Dave Salyer
Jon Eullete
Roddy Toyota
KC Crawford - KC's Custom Creations
Greg Derr - Derr Precision
David Sams - Sam custom Gunworks 

I used a RO as a donor, if I could do it over, I would have used a MIl-SPEC.  Any of the gentleman above could/will build you a brutally good pistol.  I'm sure there are many more not mentioned.

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.22 dedicated lower Empty Re: .22 dedicated lower

Post by ChipEck Sat Apr 30, 2016 6:14 pm

No disrespect to the other gunsmiths, but I had KC build me a custom wad gun recently....unbelievable work.  Cannot say enough about KC.


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.22 dedicated lower Empty Re: .22 dedicated lower

Post by 824tsv Sat Apr 30, 2016 7:46 pm

I was in the same boat. I managed to pick up a 1964 Colt Government Model .45 frame that had a customized Series 70 slide with compensator. The frame was only customized with a beavertail and skeletonized trigger which I was able to swap out with OEM Colt parts from my parts stash. I sold the complete upper and recouped over half the cost of the pistol. Now I have a dedicated Colt frame for my Colt Conversion Unit. I'm sure there are many customized pistols on the auction sites that can be had for reasonable money. Just sell what you don't need or want afterwards. There are always people looking for 1911 parts.

Last edited by 824tsv on Sat Apr 30, 2016 7:49 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling)

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