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Xesse having an issue with the hammer following through.

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Xesse having an issue with the hammer following through. Empty Xesse having an issue with the hammer following through.

Post by KB2MBC 8/8/2016, 8:23 pm

I'm in need of a gunsmith recommendation, preferably one that has some experience working on the Hammerli Xesse .22 pistol.
I purchased one a year and a half ago and immediately fell in love with it. As time went on I started to experience what I thought was the trigger not resetting but what it really turned out to be was the hammer following through with the slide and on a rare occasion would double fire. I sent the pistol back to the distributor only to pay almost $100 for cleaning. When I said that "cleaning" wasn't cutting it and that I would have to send it down the road, they told me to send some of the ammo I was using in it so they could do further testing (100rds. each of CCI SV & SK Standard Plus, what a pain in the ass it is to ship that stuff, probably easier to ship vials of Ebola).
The end result was nothing was found wrong and they sent the gun back to me. (via FFL which cost me an additional $50). Well it's been functioning fine now for 7 months (~2000 rds.) since the cleaning and now it's doing it again. I would like a different set of eyes to look at it, if possible.
Oh yeah, a side note: the trigger guard broke, I had it repaired at Perry under warranty. Trigger guard breaking??

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Xesse having an issue with the hammer following through. Empty Re: Xesse having an issue with the hammer following through.

Post by DavidR 8/9/2016, 10:04 am

Larry Carter ( google larrys guns) is the expert on those guns, but it sounds like you might only need a minor adjustment to the trigger, the xesse has adjustments might try them first, plus cleaning out the crud from 22's is a must for good operation. This might help;


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Xesse having an issue with the hammer following through. Empty Re: Xesse having an issue with the hammer following through.

Post by Russ OR 8/9/2016, 12:22 pm

When I had an Xesse, I located & made a small cutout in back of the right? grip panel to make the trigger adjustment without removing grips.

Russ OR

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Xesse having an issue with the hammer following through. Empty Re: Xesse having an issue with the hammer following through.

Post by Sa-tevp 8/9/2016, 1:27 pm

KB2MBC wrote:...
Oh yeah, a side note: the trigger guard broke, I had it repaired at Perry under warranty. Trigger guard breaking??

The trigger guards will break if the tang the slide hits in recoil is not supported by the frame. Careful bending of the guard will make it seat properly against the frame. Cutting the tongue off the front so the trigger guard is like a Hammerli 208/215 guard may help too.

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Xesse having an issue with the hammer following through. Empty Re: Xesse having an issue with the hammer following through.

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