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How do you mark your Aimpoint?

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How do you mark your Aimpoint? Empty How do you mark your Aimpoint?

Post by joy2shoot 2016-08-30, 4:50 pm

As Aimpoint owners know, the H-1 does not have any index markings on its elevation or windage adjustments.  (For non-Aimpoint owners, see attached picture of the elevation screw.)  My Aimpoint is sighted in for 50 yards and 25 yards is 3 clicks down.  However, when I get home I have to remember did I reset it back to 50.  I tried using a Sharpie to make two marks so when the marks are aligned, it is back to 50.  But the Sharpie marks wear off quickly.  Suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you,
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How do you mark your Aimpoint? Empty Re: How do you mark your Aimpoint?

Post by Tim:H11 2016-08-30, 4:54 pm

Try sight paint and a tooth pick or nail polish ??? I'm a non owner but those two are stout marking solutions.

Last edited by Tim:H11 on 2016-08-30, 4:56 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Oops)

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How do you mark your Aimpoint? Empty Re: How do you mark your Aimpoint?

Post by JIMPGOV 2016-08-30, 6:27 pm



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How do you mark your Aimpoint? Empty Re: How do you mark your Aimpoint?

Post by Chris Miceli 2016-08-30, 6:44 pm

Look under the cap. Should have markings. If not the tool does.  I just write down on my box the 50 to 25 clicks

Chris Miceli

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How do you mark your Aimpoint? Empty Re: How do you mark your Aimpoint?

Post by DavidR 2016-08-31, 12:20 pm

take a small file and make a very slight mark at the center of the turret lined up at the rear with center of gun, like what a ultra dot has, your pic even looks like it already has one, once zeroed @ 50 yd use this as a reference and put a paint mark on the inner turning part. then keep a log as to how many clicks it is down from it to your 25 yd zero. If your 50 and 25 yd zero are only 3 clicks different it wont matter much if you leave it on 50, at 25yds that's only 3/8'' difference. Aimpoint each click is only the 1/8'' @ 25, 1/4'' @ 50 half what a UD is.

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How do you mark your Aimpoint? Empty Re: How do you mark your Aimpoint?

Post by Froneck 2016-08-31, 12:40 pm

I like others use nail polish, stuff is also available in Black. I have a bottle of every solid color to mark items in my shop. Stuff is durable and if it needs to be removed I use nail polish remover. When I had the H-1 I put some polish in one of the holes to act as a pointer then with a toothpick put 2 marks on the outer ring in different colors


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How do you mark your Aimpoint? Empty Re: How do you mark your Aimpoint?

Post by joy2shoot 2016-09-01, 10:57 am

Christopher Miceli wrote:Look under the cap. Should have markings. If not the tool does.  I just write down on my box the 50 to 25 clicks

The cap does have markings, but how do you propose to use those markings?  I only need to mark the 50 yd setting.  Like you, I write down all other settings on my box. 

The idea is when I get to the next match, I want to be able to look at some reference marks and know the scope is set to 50 yards.  Once slow fire is complete, I just turn the screw the number of clicks I have written in the box for 25 yards.
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How do you mark your Aimpoint? Empty Re: How do you mark your Aimpoint?

Post by Chris Miceli 2016-09-01, 11:14 am

I don't make mine I just try and keep it at the 50 and adjust to 25 and hope I put it back.  Aimpoint a have a crap tone of adjustment so I'm like 8 down and 5 right from my 50 yard and 25 loads

Chris Miceli

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How do you mark your Aimpoint? Empty Re: How do you mark your Aimpoint?

Post by jmdavis 2016-09-01, 11:19 am

Mark your 50 on then aimpoint tube and adjusting knob. That's what I do with the ultradot. But note that light changes (for example indoor to outdoor) can have an effect, particularly on windage. 

Have you ever seen a silhouette shooter's scope. It has taped on notes and markings telling him everything he needs for each yardline.

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How do you mark your Aimpoint? Empty Re: How do you mark your Aimpoint?

Post by DavidR 2016-09-01, 7:02 pm

joy2shoot wrote:
Christopher Miceli wrote:Look under the cap. Should have markings. If not the tool does.  I just write down on my box the 50 to 25 clicks

The cap does have markings, but how do you propose to use those markings?  I only need to mark the 50 yd setting.  Like you, I write down all other settings on my box. 

The idea is when I get to the next match, I want to be able to look at some reference marks and know the scope is set to 50 yards.  Once slow fire is complete, I just turn the screw the number of clicks I have written in the box for 25 yards.
later made ones don't have the marks anymore.

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How do you mark your Aimpoint? Empty Re: How do you mark your Aimpoint?

Post by joy2shoot 2016-09-06, 3:25 pm

I am going to use the nail polish suggestion and will report back.  Thanks for all the assistance.


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How do you mark your Aimpoint? Empty Re: How do you mark your Aimpoint?

Post by joy2shoot 2016-10-19, 12:24 pm

As promised, this is a follow up.  In the first picture below, the elevation adjustment had a factory marking on it.  Once I had my gun sighted in for 50 yd for both elevation and windage, I put a small dot of white nail polish on the screw.  All other elevation adjustments are x clicks from this setting. 

The windage adjustment did not have a factory marking.  So I took a small, triangle shaped file and created a small notch in the stationary ring.  I then put a small dot of nail polish on the screw.  Like elevation, all windage adjustments are x clicks from this base setting.

I decided not to use additional dots of nail polish of different colors for different settings.  I decided to use one dot and all other settings (recorded on a card in my gun box) are x clicks from the base setting.
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