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Changing uppers in the middle of the match?

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Changing uppers in the middle of the match? Empty Changing uppers in the middle of the match?

Post by javaduke 2/15/2017, 10:24 am

Folks, please pardon me if this is an FAQ - well, I know, rules don't allow changing guns in the middle of the match (unless the gun declared non-functional). But will I be breaking the rules if I replace the Nelson upper on my 1911 after the slow fire NMC? I found myself shooting slow fire better with irons, and sustained fire is better with the dot. So if I have two Nelson kits, one with irons and one with dot, and switch them after the slow fire stage, will I be breaking any rules?


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Changing uppers in the middle of the match? Empty Re: Changing uppers in the middle of the match?

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 2/15/2017, 10:38 am

I don't think that would be allowed.
The NMC is a match by itself.
You could change between the NMC & timed fire match if you could do it without holding up the line.
If I were so inclined I would use two complete guns.

As usual I did not sleep in a Holiday Inn & this just my opinion, subject to the usual derision.

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Changing uppers in the middle of the match? Empty Re: Changing uppers in the middle of the match?

Post by javaduke 2/15/2017, 10:40 am

Yes, but I will not be replacing the entire gun, and uppers are 100% identical except sights. The gun - i.e. the serialized part, stays the same.


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Changing uppers in the middle of the match? Empty Re: Changing uppers in the middle of the match?

Post by LenV 2/15/2017, 10:53 am

A lot of shooters change ammo and recoil springs after SF. I think this is just a larger version of the same thing. No one complains about them essentially changing one system for another. Just my opinion.


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Changing uppers in the middle of the match? Empty Re: Changing uppers in the middle of the match?

Post by dronning 2/15/2017, 1:47 pm

Changing after the SF match is OK, but after the SF target during the National Match would be a ??.  I think since the lower is the same (serial number and trigger group) you are going to get some officials that say NO and some saying OK. 

This would be a good question for the rules committee.

- Dave

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Changing uppers in the middle of the match? Empty Re: Changing uppers in the middle of the match?

Post by Jack H 2/15/2017, 2:31 pm

9.1 Changing Pistols - Competitors are to use the same pistol
during single stage matches, i.e., Slow Fire, Timed Fire, Rapid Fire
and NMC (a single match). If a pistol becomes disabled at any time
and is designated as such by the Chief Range Offi cer, all shots
fi red up to the time the claim is made will stand as part of the offi
cial score. Any disabled claim must be made immediately. The
exchange of barrels, detachable weights etc. shall not be restricted.

(For timed and rapid fi re see rules 9.5, 10.9, and 10.10.)
Jack H
Jack H

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Changing uppers in the middle of the match? Empty Re: Changing uppers in the middle of the match?

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 2/15/2017, 2:38 pm

Once again the guy with the rule book wins...I'll go back to my corner and sulk now.  study

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Changing uppers in the middle of the match? Empty Re: Changing uppers in the middle of the match?

Post by javaduke 2/15/2017, 2:44 pm

Jack H wrote:9.1 Changing Pistols - Competitors are to use the same pistol
during single stage matches, i.e., Slow Fire, Timed Fire, Rapid Fire
and NMC (a single match). If a pistol becomes disabled at any time
and is designated as such by the Chief Range Offi cer, all shots
fi red up to the time the claim is made will stand as part of the offi
cial score. Any disabled claim must be made immediately. The
exchange of barrels, detachable weights etc. shall not be restricted.

(For timed and rapid fi re see rules 9.5, 10.9, and 10.10.)
Bingo! Thank you sir! And note taken to RTFM every now and then...


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Changing uppers in the middle of the match? Empty Re: Changing uppers in the middle of the match?

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