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I want to try a new .22 pistol.

Jon Eulette
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I want to try a new .22 pistol. Empty I want to try a new .22 pistol.

Post by Ghillieman 4/12/2017, 11:39 am

I bought a 1911 wadgun on a hunch that I shoot 1911's better, and I was right.

Now, the dot is steadier on my new 1911 wadgun than my Pardini SP. So I want to try a .22 pistol with a similar grip angle to the 1911. I was looking at a AW93 or a Victor.

What do you all suggest?
Any thing I need to be aware of or watch out for?

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I want to try a new .22 pistol. Empty Re: I want to try a new .22 pistol.

Post by Chris Miceli 4/12/2017, 11:53 am

208/215 ?
22 conversion ?

Chris Miceli

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Post by Sc0 4/12/2017, 11:57 am

The AW93 looks interesting but expensive and no guarantee that I will shoot it any better...  Have found a few people talking about cracked slides on the early ones as well.

Best solution is a 1911 with a Nelson .22 conversion.  Could be one that you put together yourself or a built up complete pistol from KC or Chambers.


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I want to try a new .22 pistol. Empty Re: I want to try a new .22 pistol.

Post by Chris Miceli 4/12/2017, 12:00 pm

Sc0 wrote:The AW93 looks interesting but expensive and no guarantee that I will shoot it any better...  Have found a few people talking about cracked slides on the early ones as well.

Best solution is a 1911 with a Nelson .22 conversion.  Could be over that you put together yourself or a built up complete pistol from KC or Chambers.

i tried an AW93 over the weekend match was the lighter blue alum version. Trigger not setup to my liking (position wise) at all! grip that didn't fit me. I shot my average.  Gun has a unique recoil from the buffer system and seemed to be very forgiving to shoot. 

Things i didn't like was scope mounted very high above the barrel i had to either hold my arm up more or duck my head down.

Chris Miceli

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I want to try a new .22 pistol. Empty Re: I want to try a new .22 pistol.

Post by LenV 4/12/2017, 12:07 pm

Go old school. There are a lot of High Standards that fit your desires. Great trigger and accuracy. They were designed to match the 1911 in feel. The Victor is the easiest to mount a dot. You ought to give them a look.


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Post by mspingeld 4/12/2017, 12:08 pm

I believe Dick Horton can make you a grip for the SP with the 1911 angle. Cheaper than a new gun plus the SP trigger is so nice!


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I want to try a new .22 pistol. Empty Re: I want to try a new .22 pistol.

Post by JKR 4/12/2017, 12:16 pm

I recently switched from a Benelli MP90 to a Nelson conversion with the exact same idea that you have. 

My advice... Don't sell your Pardini!



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Post by SW-52 4/12/2017, 12:17 pm

LenV wrote:Go old school. There are a lot of High Standards that fit your desires. Great trigger and accuracy. They were designed to match the 1911 in feel. The Victor is the easiest to mount a dot. You ought to give them a look.


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I want to try a new .22 pistol. Empty Re: I want to try a new .22 pistol.

Post by Chris Miceli 4/12/2017, 12:20 pm

JKR wrote:I recently switched from a Benelli MP90 to a Nelson conversion with the exact same idea that you have. 

My advice... Don't sell your Pardini!

But you shot the Benelli well !!

Chris Miceli

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Post by willnewton 4/12/2017, 12:53 pm

Trade you my 215 for your Pardini for a few weeks. Smile I have always wondered about the SP myself.

My .22 conversion seldom sees range use, except for when I shoot it against the 215 to see if I will ever like it more. So far, dots or irons, it is no contest. I shoot the Hammerli. It just feels and scores better.

I don't want to get rid of my .22 conversion though. I use it for dry fire practice, as a backup for the Hammerli, and a loaner gun for a shooting buddy as needed. It is just nice to have around.

You really should just get a Nelson conv. in general, then decide if you want a Hammerli as well. Wink

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Post by Tim:H11 4/12/2017, 12:58 pm

Nelson. New personal best shot last month was an 877-40X. Two and a half pound trigger. Simply put - its nice!

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I want to try a new .22 pistol. Empty Re: I want to try a new .22 pistol.

Post by Jon Eulette 4/12/2017, 1:10 pm

Good Job!
Jon Eulette
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I want to try a new .22 pistol. Empty Re: I want to try a new .22 pistol.

Post by Froneck 4/12/2017, 1:39 pm

I have the AW93 Made my own 1911 grip conversion plus added a heel. Changed the buffer to the Aluminum type a friend had so I copied it. All the aluminum is black, I used that Aluminum Paint Brownells sells. I also added a Titanium bolt housing because I didn't like the aluminum one from Feinwerkbau. Later I added the scope adapter because when I changed the scope the titanium was made for the Doctor type and the Precision Arms Mini was Weaver. Also made the trigger.
 I would not recommend the AW93 because the reason I made changes is I have problems out of the box! It was ammo finicky and if the trigger was adjusted to somewhat is similar to the average Bullseye type the hammer followed the slide. European trigger style works OK. One magazine fails to lock the slide back after the last round more often that the other. Best I could get at 50 yards out of the box was about 1.5" with Eley 10X. I'm thinking a $2500 pistol should do better than that. Most of the problems I have cured. The first 2 scope mounts from that guy at Perry that sells the AW 93 didn't work, scope came loose. 3rd one was better but not great! Works not bad now, I think I found the failure to lock back problem and thinking of changing the barrel.

I want to try a new .22 pistol. Cimg1710


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I want to try a new .22 pistol. Empty Re: I want to try a new .22 pistol.

Post by Chris Miceli 4/12/2017, 1:50 pm

Froneck wrote:I have the AW93 Made my own 1911 grip conversion plus added a heel. Changed the buffer to the Aluminum type a friend had so I copied it. All the aluminum is black, I used that Aluminum Paint Brownells sells. I also added a Titanium bolt housing because I didn't like the aluminum one from Feinwerkbau. Later I added the scope adapter because when I changed the scope the titanium was made for the Doctor type and the Precision Arms Mini was Weaver. Also made the trigger.
 I would not recommend the AW93 because the reason I made changes is I have problems out of the box! It was ammo finicky and if the trigger was adjusted to somewhat is similar to the average Bullseye type the hammer followed the slide. European trigger style works OK. One magazine fails to lock the slide back after the last round more often that the other. Best I could get at 50 yards out of the box was about 1.5" with Eley 10X. I'm thinking a $2500 pistol should do better than that. Most of the problems I have cured. The first 2 scope mounts from that guy at Perry that sells the AW 93 didn't work, scope came loose. 3rd one was better but not great! Works not bad now, I think I found the failure to lock back problem and thinking of changing the barrel.

I want to try a new .22 pistol. Cimg1710
Frank, is the part under where your mount is the piece that has the hex head and button looking thing replaceable with a mount? Getting the dot lower?

Chris Miceli

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I want to try a new .22 pistol. Empty Re: I want to try a new .22 pistol.

Post by JKR 4/12/2017, 2:28 pm

Chris Miceli wrote:
JKR wrote:I recently switched from a Benelli MP90 to a Nelson conversion with the exact same idea that you have. 

My advice... Don't sell your Pardini!

But you shot the Benelli well !!
I just haven't been able to put the scores together with the conversion that I have with the Euro gun. Not a thing wrong with the Nelson. I just shoot better with the Benelli. I'll keep the Nelson for 1911 training and backup but I'll stick to the Benelli for match shooting.


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Post by Jon Math 4/12/2017, 3:13 pm

As I’m sure you realize many of the European pistols only have a threaded rod aft of the trigger and that is great for setting any grip angle you want as well as accommodating any sized hand.  Pistols with a magazine in the grip sure limit both of those options. 

I went from a Hi Standard to a Ruger Mk-III to a Benelli—l really love the sharply slanted grip angles.  The Pardini is about the best money can buy today: as mentioned I seriously consider having a straight 1911 angle grip made before giving up on it.  Even if it does not work out for you I suspect you can sell the package for everything you have into it.  It’s almost a risk free experiment.
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Post by gweber 4/12/2017, 3:18 pm


I switched from a pardini to a walther gsp expert this winter. I found a good deal on a new walther. The main reason I switched was at the end of the outdoor season the pardini let me down (firing pin broke).  I know things happen but it left me wondering how long the next one will last. Also when I got the Walther it just felt better and I was shooting it in practice the same as the pardini.  

My view is I went from a Italian sports car to a German Tank. Other shooters up here have GSPs and they work unless the ammo doesn't go bang. 

I shot two spots to the left of you at Perry last year. 



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Post by JKR 4/12/2017, 3:54 pm


Just save the Italian pistol for when you shoot in warmer climates. I think it's firing pin crystalized in the cold ND wind!



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Post by gweber 4/12/2017, 4:16 pm

JKR wrote:Garth,

Just save the Italian pistol for when you shoot in warmer climates. I think it's firing pin crystalized in the cold ND wind!


Well its hard to save it when its already traveled down the road to someone else.



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Post by TampaTim 4/12/2017, 8:50 pm

You should try a Hammerli 208s. I have a Pardini HP and the my Hammerli is a gun that comes close to having as good a trigger. The balance of the 208s is different you might like it or not, but you should give it a try. I shoot equal scores with both but they feel and shoot differently.


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Post by Froneck 4/12/2017, 9:42 pm

Chris That Silver part under the scope is a copy of the original. Above it you can see the aluminum Weaver base. That silver part (Titanium) covers part of the frame that extends almost to the top. I did copy all the dimensions of the original, it had the Iron rear sight mounted there, I simply left it flat and attached an Insight Reflex Scope that had Doctor mount. At the most I probably can remove that Aluminum Weaver adapter and lower the scope but at best possibly 3/8" When I find a scope I like I'll modify that Titanium piece so that the scope mounts lower. However putting the 1911 type grips lowered the barrel so that the bore is just above the hand.


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Post by Ghillieman 4/13/2017, 8:18 am

    Are you saying that if you had an AW93 with the trigger set as you like it, and a proper grip, that you would possibly shoot higher than your average?

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I want to try a new .22 pistol. Empty Re: I want to try a new .22 pistol.

Post by Chris Miceli 4/13/2017, 8:32 am

Ghillieman wrote:Chris,
    Are you saying that if you had an AW93 with the trigger set as you like it, and a proper grip, that you would possibly shoot higher than your average?
It would cost me around 2500 to find out Smile  Looking back I had my best 22 x count with the AW, but I also had my best x count with the 45 even though my score was poop. Maybe I was having a good x count day. My problem is slow fire in all calibers If you want to try a conversion message me on Facebook or PM

Chris Miceli

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