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A new indoor range in the Northeast ILL area

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A new indoor range in the Northeast ILL area Empty A new indoor range in the Northeast ILL area

Post by Chris_D 4/4/2012, 6:34 am

Just a heads up about a new gun store and range opening up in Crystal Lake IL. The range is called On Target and is located 560 Beechcraft Lane, Crystal Lake, IL 60012. Here is a link to their website http://www.ontargetsite.com/index.php

I was talking with one of the owners yesterday and it looks like May 2nd will be the opening day and May 25th will be grand opening. One of the unique features of this range is they will have a 150' line and a 75' line, perfect for those needing a long line practice place.

Chris D


Posts : 102
Join date : 2011-11-21

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