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Hammerli 280 32 S&W Long Value

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Hammerli 280 32 S&W Long Value Empty Hammerli 280 32 S&W Long Value

Post by Steve K Fri May 26, 2017 8:29 pm

I'm thinking about selling my Hammerli 280 in 32 S&W Long, but I'm not sure of a price.  It is a good gun, but I rarely use it.  I've been using the 280 22 LR and Gold Cup.  I have not been able to find recent sales of 280s to use as a yard stick and I've found the Blue Book not reliable.   Is the gun or caliber obsolete?    If I list it I want to be the ballpark on the price, any suggestions?  

Steve K

Posts : 179
Join date : 2015-11-09

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