Anyone use a hardshell case for all their pistols?
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Anyone use a hardshell case for all their pistols?
I've been using a strongbox for the last year. I like it overall but not thrilled how the pistol clamps work. I'm also acquiring more and nicer pistols that I want to really take care of. I've also had the strongbox tip over in the back of my vehicle a couple times which makes me cringe.
I'm considering removing the pistol clamps and using the upper tray for additional accessories or ammo. I'm thinking of buying a medium sized hardshell case that I would use to transport all my pistols which would be (2) 22's, (2) 45's and possibly a CF pistol.
So anyone do something like this? Any case suggestions.
I'm considering removing the pistol clamps and using the upper tray for additional accessories or ammo. I'm thinking of buying a medium sized hardshell case that I would use to transport all my pistols which would be (2) 22's, (2) 45's and possibly a CF pistol.
So anyone do something like this? Any case suggestions.
Last edited by zanemoseley on 8/10/2017, 10:23 am; edited 1 time in total
zanemoseley- Posts : 2685
Join date : 2015-07-11
Location : Cookeville, TN
Re: Anyone use a hardshell case for all their pistols?
I saw AMU shooters during a regionals in May use hard shell cases with all their pistols in gun rugs stored in the case. Looked like luggage. Pistol box only held their tools, glasses, spotting scope ect. I think even ammunition was in bulk in a separate luggage case. I hear pelican cases are supposed to be good.
Tim:H11- Posts : 2130
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Re: Anyone use a hardshell case for all their pistols?
I don't use one for all my pistols. I normally keep the pistols for the 2700 in the pistol box. I use a hard case for my EIC and DR pistols. You can find these for around 70.00. You have to pluck your own foam cutouts but the Plano case works pretty nice. There are several layers of foam so you can put two layers of pistols in it. Nice if you want to bring extras for the point donators. Or less then 70.00
LenV- Posts : 4731
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Re: Anyone use a hardshell case for all their pistols?
One of the things I liked about switching from SB and Air Rifles was less gear (or so I thought). At least I don’t need a leather suit, boots, gloves, slings, stands, kneeling rolls etc.
I use an older pistol box, but I had to lower the shelf to accommodate the modern pistols so now my scope does not fit anymore. I carry the scope un-mounted up on the pistol rack, taking up at least two pistol spaces. I wear ear muffs, they are bulky and take up more pistol carrying space, I have ortho grips on the pistols and they take up two spaces. In the end I’ve ended up with one pistol in a four pistol box, and gear lose flopping everywhere in the box. I have taken to carrying a range bag with all that gear, and use the pistol case for the pistols. My next change is to get a small table top tripod for my spotting scope, put the pistols in a Pelican box and get rid of the pistol box as for all intents it is just a over sized scope stand for me now. Although I do like the protection it offers me from my neighbors shell casings, and it’s easier to find gear attached to magnets rather than rummaging through a cloth bag. Maybe I should get a modern pistol box instead--decisions, decisions!
I use an older pistol box, but I had to lower the shelf to accommodate the modern pistols so now my scope does not fit anymore. I carry the scope un-mounted up on the pistol rack, taking up at least two pistol spaces. I wear ear muffs, they are bulky and take up more pistol carrying space, I have ortho grips on the pistols and they take up two spaces. In the end I’ve ended up with one pistol in a four pistol box, and gear lose flopping everywhere in the box. I have taken to carrying a range bag with all that gear, and use the pistol case for the pistols. My next change is to get a small table top tripod for my spotting scope, put the pistols in a Pelican box and get rid of the pistol box as for all intents it is just a over sized scope stand for me now. Although I do like the protection it offers me from my neighbors shell casings, and it’s easier to find gear attached to magnets rather than rummaging through a cloth bag. Maybe I should get a modern pistol box instead--decisions, decisions!
Jon Math- Posts : 289
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Re: Anyone use a hardshell case for all their pistols?
I have a Strongcase and I did not particularly like the clamps for the same reason you do so I removed the clamps, they are held in by screws from the bottom of the tray and put my pistols in rugs and carry them in the case that way.
troystaten- Posts : 812
Join date : 2012-04-19
Re: Anyone use a hardshell case for all their pistols?
I've been looking at options and came full circle back to Pelican cases, I've owned one before for a rifle and like it although heavy and bulky. I found a brand new 1610 Pelican case on EBay for just $123 delivered. Again it's way overkill but it should hold 4-5 pistols upright easily and if I ever travel for a match I'm good to go. I'll post pictures soon.
zanemoseley- Posts : 2685
Join date : 2015-07-11
Location : Cookeville, TN
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