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Sometimes scoping your target is a bad idea.

Jon Eulette
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Sometimes scoping your target is a bad idea. - Page 2 Empty Sometimes scoping your target is a bad idea.

Post by Mike38 11/4/2017, 12:20 pm

First topic message reminder :

Training this morning. Got a new Nill grip for my Benelli MP95 in .22lr. Had to move 2 clicks right because of the different grips I guess. Got serious and put 5 shots timed fire at 50 foot target. Scoped the results. Looked like three 10's and two X's. Walked down range to confirm. Yep, three 10's and two X's. Shot the second string, two tens and three 8's. Damn! I got all flustered thinking I was going to score a 100. Oh well, I know it's possible. I know I can do it. Someday......

Anyhow, I proceeded to shoot a 260-6x for my postal match. I'll take it. Liking those Nill grips for sure.

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Sometimes scoping your target is a bad idea. - Page 2 Empty Re: Sometimes scoping your target is a bad idea.

Post by jmdavis 11/10/2017, 1:05 pm

A blank target shows you what you are capable of doing. But to win you have to shoot that group on a black bullseye at 25 or 50 yards and you have to be able to shoot the X. 

The USMC workbook found elsewhere on the forums, can help teach you to do that. It is possible to go through the workbook without coaching. But a coach can help. You can also find a commercial version of the workbook which has additional good information and is targeted toward shooters without coaching from Distinguished Shooting Sports. Each provides sets of exercises designed to teach specific skills, build confidence and improve performance

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Sometimes scoping your target is a bad idea. - Page 2 Empty Re: Sometimes scoping your target is a bad idea.

Post by jwax 11/11/2017, 9:50 am

Cecil- Thank you for that explanation! "Train hard, shoot easy" will go in my notebook!
The real purpose of shot calling is finally making sense now.

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Sometimes scoping your target is a bad idea. - Page 2 Empty Re: Sometimes scoping your target is a bad idea.

Post by CR10X 11/11/2017, 4:24 pm

Hope it helps.  Just remember calling the shot is not really remembering a "picture" or snapshot as much as it is reviewing a little movie.  Need to see what's happening right up to the sight / dot lifting in recoil.  If we see that, then we can begin to believe in how our timing and trigger process needs to be combined to get more 10's.  As a great rifle shooter said, "Shoot the first 10 you see."  (Then it will probably be an X.)



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