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Where did all the CCI Standard Velocity go?

Jim Mc
Bryan Coyle
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Where did all the CCI Standard Velocity go? - Page 2 Empty Where did all the CCI Standard Velocity go?

Post by Eages 6/17/2012, 9:49 am

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Anyone know here I can get some CCI Standard Velocity?


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Where did all the CCI Standard Velocity go? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where did all the CCI Standard Velocity go?

Post by Paper-Puncher 10/26/2012, 4:48 am


as far as dude's go . The only ammo I had alot of dudes with was the Equila ...That must have been a bad lot or something .. Ive also had good luck with Eley Sport but just like CCI cant find any now


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Where did all the CCI Standard Velocity go? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where did all the CCI Standard Velocity go?

Post by Jerry Goldfarb 10/26/2012, 9:19 am

Eages wrote:Anyone know here I can get some CCI Standard Velocity?

Targetsports.com $275 per case shipped.
Jerry Goldfarb
Jerry Goldfarb

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Where did all the CCI Standard Velocity go? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where did all the CCI Standard Velocity go?

Post by s1120 10/31/2012, 9:41 am

Paper-Puncher wrote:jakuda,

as far as dude's go . The only ammo I had alot of dudes with was the Equila ...That must have been a bad lot or something .. Ive also had good luck with Eley Sport but just like CCI cant find any now

I have heard a lot of people saying that the Eley Sport will not work the action on the High Standards. All I have found at the stores were bricks of it, so I havent picked any up yet to try.


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Where did all the CCI Standard Velocity go? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where did all the CCI Standard Velocity go?

Post by Paper-Puncher 10/31/2012, 10:34 am

Was at the gun shop last wkend.....picking up primers and HBWC's...they finally got some std in......34.50 a brick used to be like 26.00ish .


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Where did all the CCI Standard Velocity go? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where did all the CCI Standard Velocity go?

Post by Al 11/1/2012, 9:33 am

jakuda wrote:I agree, the remingtons have never worked reliably in my Ruger. I haven't tried it in my Marvel. Shooters I know give Remingtons away just to get rid of it.

Yup! Been that way for decades. They can make some very accurate ammo(I've had a couple of lots that go under an inch at 50 yds with several pistols), but they just don't give a darn about their priming mixture. I use it for slow fire and then switch to CCI SV for sustained in matches. I also use it for ball & dummy practice. There's always one or two in every 50 rd box, so it works just fine for practice ammo. The last time CMP had it for sale I picked up several cases for practice ammo, but I went in knowing what to expect.

It performs the same in every pistol I own, 6-Rugers, 4-Hi Standards, Marvel unit 1, and several revolvers.


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Where did all the CCI Standard Velocity go? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where did all the CCI Standard Velocity go?

Post by fredw4 12/28/2012, 1:28 pm

Can anyone confirm or refute a rumor I heard that part of CCI's 22 ammo line went down in September and didn't get back up until sometime this month (Dec)? My local range just received a shipment of SV in plastic boxes of 100 each (0032). Our local Dick's used to have bricks in stock at all times (0035 in paper boxes) and then suddenly couldn't get any. I couldn't find it anywhere during that time frame. No special reason for asking, just curious.


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Where did all the CCI Standard Velocity go? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where did all the CCI Standard Velocity go?

Post by jakuda 12/28/2012, 6:39 pm

Curious. That could explain the out-of-stock notices I've seen recently.
I only hope they don't lower their quality tolerances just to meet demand...


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