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Anyone have a new Pardini Bullseye with the dot up front?

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Anyone have a new Pardini Bullseye with the dot up front? Empty Anyone have a new Pardini Bullseye with the dot up front?

Post by zanemoseley 2/17/2018, 5:44 pm

I was curious if anyone has gotten a new Pardini with the small picatinny built into the shroud. I was reading and the 6 steel counter weights that come installed are 17 grams each for a total of 102 grams. An Aimpoint H-1 weighs 105 grams with a mount. So even though it appears it would make it front heavy to have a sight that far forward it should theoretically balance pretty much exactly the same as with iron sights.


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Anyone have a new Pardini Bullseye with the dot up front? Empty Re: Anyone have a new Pardini Bullseye with the dot up front?

Post by mpolans 2/17/2018, 10:29 pm

So even if you empty out the weights out the front (which, with the springs, are also supposed to dampen recoil, so you lose that), and you use a an Aimpoint H1, you're still dealing with a red dot that will probably be moving around a lot more since it's further away from your wrist.  It might not be a problem if you have tubes on the sight, but if you don't, I'd wonder how dirty the front lens will get from junk coming out the muzzle (maybe even worse with ports).  If you use any other heavier red dot, like say a Match Dot 2, it'll weigh 3-4 ounces more right out at the very front.

It's too bad they didn't just build a weaver rail into the top of the frame.


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Anyone have a new Pardini Bullseye with the dot up front? Empty Re: Anyone have a new Pardini Bullseye with the dot up front?

Post by Chris Miceli 2/18/2018, 5:05 am


Chris Miceli

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Anyone have a new Pardini Bullseye with the dot up front? Empty Re: Anyone have a new Pardini Bullseye with the dot up front?

Post by zanemoseley 2/18/2018, 5:57 am

I agree a full length picatinny rail would have been the ticket. I do like a heavy gun, I would probably prefer to keep the weights and put a Kodiak mount with an Aimpoint on the back.

Fyi, I spoke with Larry's guns last year and they said they were making any more of the rail for the Pardini's. Ii think they're a bit bitter about getting aced out of the Pardini market.


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Anyone have a new Pardini Bullseye with the dot up front? Empty Re: Anyone have a new Pardini Bullseye with the dot up front?

Post by Ghillieman 2/22/2018, 5:51 pm


The Aimpoint Micro on the Kodiak base IS the best option. It retains the pistols excellent balance with the dot mounted as far back as possible.

If you don't want to pay for the Micro, and want to use an Ultradot, Aimpoint SC, ect., a better alternative to the add on picatinny rail is the 19mm Euro dove tail rings from Warne Precision. They also make a quick disconnect ring that is perfect for NRA Precision Pistol then remove it for CMP .22 Pistol Leg matches.

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Anyone have a new Pardini Bullseye with the dot up front? Empty Re: Anyone have a new Pardini Bullseye with the dot up front?

Post by SMBeyer 2/23/2018, 4:11 pm

mpolans wrote: you're still dealing with a red dot that will probably be moving around a lot more since it's further away from your wrist.  
The dot shows where the gun is pointed.  Position on the gun does not affect the appearance of your hold.

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Anyone have a new Pardini Bullseye with the dot up front? Empty Re: Anyone have a new Pardini Bullseye with the dot up front?

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