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New Shooters and Temporary Classifications

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New Shooters and Temporary Classifications Empty New Shooters and Temporary Classifications

Post by jmdavis Sun May 06, 2018 9:25 am

One of the issues that I have seen is that most new shooters don’t know enough to ask for a temporary scorebook. When that is combined with the difficulty I’ve had in getting them, I have looked repeatedly for over a year and they are never in stock, I’m wondering if we can’t come up with a field expedient solution. If I were to make a pdf of such a thing would anyone else be interested? 

I am down to two official books. I don’t need them for the shooters who exclusively shoot my matches, since I have all of their scores and averages. 

If anyone has any thoughts or if anyone has already done this and has such a pdf, please contact me.


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New Shooters and Temporary Classifications Empty Re: New Shooters and Temporary Classifications

Post by cdrt Sun May 06, 2018 11:28 am

Some of us out here, I'm sure, have some temp score books we could share.  I offered to mail one to one of the shooters on the forum and he declined.  I still have six or so, and will not need them any time soon, since our next big match is in 2019.

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New Shooters and Temporary Classifications Empty Re: New Shooters and Temporary Classifications

Post by fc60 Sun May 06, 2018 1:29 pm


I have always accepted a printout of the last match/league scores.



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New Shooters and Temporary Classifications Empty Re: New Shooters and Temporary Classifications

Post by john bickar Mon May 07, 2018 10:38 am

fc60 wrote:Greetings,

I have always accepted a printout of the last match/league scores.



Yep. The Temporary Score Record book is not technically required (*), IIRC. So I do what Dave does, or look up the shooter’s scores on the NRA website. It’s to everyone’s benefit; a new shooter should only have to shoot one match as UM. 

Unless you’re verifying each shooter’s classification on the NRA website, you’re essentially taking them at their word anyhow.

* Edit: and I would be technically wrong, according to 19.14. But the format of the Score Record Book is not prescribed.
john bickar
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New Shooters and Temporary Classifications Empty Re: New Shooters and Temporary Classifications

Post by cdrt Mon May 07, 2018 11:24 am

john bickar wrote:
Yep. The Temporary Score Record book is not technically required (*), IIRC. So I do what Dave does, or look up the shooter’s scores on the NRA website. It’s to everyone’s benefit; a new shooter should only have to shoot one match as UM. 

Unless you’re verifying each shooter’s classification on the NRA website, you’re essentially taking them at their word anyhow.

* Edit: and I would be technically wrong, according to 19.14. But the format of the Score Record Book is not prescribed.

I try and look up their scores as well, but at this last match, we had some juniors who did not have an NRA number.  It was the weekend, so I could not call the NRA to try and track down their scores, so they shot UM.  Turns out they had not shot any NRA matches where the scores would have gone in; they were all local matches that would not count toward a classification.

One of the parents was not happy that we could not look up their scores.  I did not have time to properly explain, that it is the competitor's responsibility to keep track of their scores, not the match directors.

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New Shooters and Temporary Classifications Empty Re: New Shooters and Temporary Classifications

Post by jmdavis Mon May 07, 2018 4:50 pm

Thanks all. It's not a problem for the local guys, and thus far the new shooters aren't traveling the 2+ hours in any direction to shoot different matches. I will let them know that they should keep track of their scores and perhaps get the NRA printout of their activity.

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New Shooters and Temporary Classifications Empty Re: New Shooters and Temporary Classifications

Post by dennymac Wed May 09, 2018 11:00 am

I do not quite understand the part where they were 'local matches that would not count toward a classification'. I thought that any match that was authorized by the NRA would count towards a classification, providing that the scores were turned in. DennyMac


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New Shooters and Temporary Classifications Empty Re: New Shooters and Temporary Classifications

Post by jmdavis Wed May 09, 2018 11:04 am

Approved and Registered matches count toward classification. There are many league matches being run in VA, at least 2/3 of the total number that are not approved.

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New Shooters and Temporary Classifications Empty Re: New Shooters and Temporary Classifications

Post by cdrt Wed May 09, 2018 12:58 pm

dennymac wrote:I do not quite understand the part where they were 'local matches that would not count toward a classification'. I thought that any match that was authorized by the NRA would count towards a classification, providing that the scores were turned in. DennyMac

I was referencing matches, where the scores were not submitted since the matches had not been approved by the NRA.  Those scores cannot be used for a temporary classification.  See Rule 19.14 in the current rule book.

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New Shooters and Temporary Classifications Empty Re: New Shooters and Temporary Classifications

Post by Ed Hall Wed May 09, 2018 9:38 pm

To clarify just a bit, realize that the NRA "sanctions" matches as "Approved" or "Registered."  A match has to be "sanctioned" by the NRA for the scores to count toward a classification.  Local matches/leagues that aren't "sanctioned" do not count toward classification for future NRA competition, but may be considered locally for their purposes.  A league may still use the NRA system of classification while not submitting the scores to NRA.

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New Shooters and Temporary Classifications Empty Re: New Shooters and Temporary Classifications

Post by mikemargolis Thu Oct 15, 2020 7:58 pm

Sorry to revive an old thread, but have a question. 

I just shot my first NRA match, a 900.

This is a once a month league for 7 or 8 months. The match director told me they only report to the NRA at the end of the league, not after every 900.

He gave me an NRA temporary scorebook.

Here's the question: What goes in the book? The whole 900 or just the NMC?


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New Shooters and Temporary Classifications Empty Re: New Shooters and Temporary Classifications

Post by cdrt Thu Oct 15, 2020 9:33 pm

The entire 900 gets entered.  After that, keep updating the temporary score book after each match, so you have a running total and percentage to determine your classification.  Don't stop after the first 900.

19.14 Score Record Book - (Temporary Classification) - A Score Record Book will be obtained by each unclassified competitor from the Official Referee, Supervisor, Tournament Statistical Officer, or Sanctioned League Secretary at the time the competitor competes in the first tournament. All scores fired will be recorded by the competitor in each NRA competition (except Postal Matches) until such time as an Official NRA Classification Card is received. The competitor will total all scores and divide that total by the number of 10-shot strings represented. The average so obtained will determine the competitor’s NRA Classification at that time (see Rule 19.15 for average score for each classification).

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