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New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors

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New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors - Page 2 Empty New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors

Post by bogierich Tue Oct 02, 2018 9:16 am

First topic message reminder :

Hello all, I apologize in advance for the length of this post.

I have been reading these match director and match related posts for years now and have been entirely sympathetic to the frustrations many match directors have been having with finding a better way to promote our matches, getting competitors to register, running matches and then the dreaded post-match activities such as score recording, stats, communication of those records and making them available to competitors.

So for some time now, I have been working on a website that will solve just about all of these problems and I believe it is finally ready to be put to use. The website will act as a consolidation point for competitors nationwide who participate in precision shooting sports. It's a site where match directors and people who want to learn to become match directors, can log in and have the ability to create matches wherever they are in the USA, allow competitors to register in advance for the match and/or pay their match fees up-front through a secure e-commerce payment system. At the match, competitors can show a QR code on paper or from their phones that the MD can scan with any smartphone to “check in” that competitor. After the match, MD's will be able to log back in and find reports on who attended, how much money was earned and receive the match fees collected on their behalf (all optional, of course). All of this is currently tested, operational and live.

Within the next three months, I will also give MD’s the optional ability to enter and record all shot values for each competitor through a simple interface, generate and record an entire package of stats options (that will never stop growing) and then automatically generate all the paperwork that needs to be sent off to the respective organizations who sanction the matches...all at the click of a button. Trying to have all this done by the first day of spring.

Competitors will have access to all the scores, stats, team scores and everything else that they were involved in regarding their matches through a personalized account portal. Again, early spring is the goal for this function.

So now I need help. First and foremost, as I continue the work on the back end functions as well as all the little website things like SEO and cleaning up little design issues and the like, I need people to start registering and more importantly, I need match directors to start coming in and setting up matches for competitors to join. Not much of a competition site if there aren't any competitions and I cant start advertising an empty match calendar. I need feedback. I've looked at and used the site so many hundreds of times that it's hard to "see" it anymore.

I have invested about $3000 so far in development and operational costs and expect to have invested at least that much more once spring is here and the new features come online. Competitors can sign up and use the site for free. I have a 30-day free trial period set up for Match Directors and after that a $2.99 per month fee to help with the operational costs. If you can help me out as a match director, please use the coupon code: 6QOF1G2AE7 to get three months free. This is not a “trick” of some kind to start making money off people. I am genuinely trying to fill a vast hole that can really help our sport.

The website is PrecisionShootingMatches.com

I greatly appreciate any constructive feedback that you care to offer. There is a LOT of knowledge on this board so it seemed the logical place to start. I’m happy to address questions and comments here as well as through my email contact page on the site. You can also use the email: Richard@PrecisionShootingMatches.com.

Hope to be working with all of you.


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New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors - Page 2 Empty Re: New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors

Post by Chris Miceli Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:50 am

not selectable =-[
New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors - Page 2 Snip10

Chris Miceli

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New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors - Page 2 Empty Re: New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors

Post by bogierich Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:03 pm

Chris- if it’s not selectable then you’re already in the account page.
What specifically are you trying to see?

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New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors - Page 2 Empty Re: New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors

Post by Chris Miceli Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:16 pm

bogierich wrote:Chris- if it’s not selectable then you’re already in the account page.
What specifically are you trying to see?
anything to adjust. password, username, email, i can't remember all the fields when creating the account. Also i thought we would be able to enter in past scores or is that coming in the future?

Chris Miceli

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New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors - Page 2 Empty Re: New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors

Post by bogierich Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:27 pm

Past scores are coming in the future once the scoring entry system is in place. The link under the subscription will take you to the page with all the information about your account as well as where can change your current NRA ranking (bottom of the form). Here is also a direct link to the account page. https://precisionshootingmatches.com/account-2/

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New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors - Page 2 Empty Re: New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors

Post by bogierich Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:47 am

For those who are currently Match Directors or are thinking of becoming an MD, I created a short video detailing the process of adding a match to the Precision Shooting Matches website. It's insanely easy.


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New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors - Page 2 Empty Re: New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors

Post by dronning Thu Oct 18, 2018 12:03 pm

Can multiple people manage a match / enter match information.  Example:
I set the match up
Someone else manages registrations
a third person actually runs the match and is responsible for match day registrations and/or making someone available, to enter results. 

Can we import our database of past match participants into this?
- Dave

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New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors - Page 2 Empty Re: New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors

Post by bogierich Thu Oct 18, 2018 12:29 pm

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the questions.

I struggled with the consideration of allowing multiple match directors access to a particular match. I have found that for reasons of security and accountability, only one official MD can administer a match on the PSM website. The MD can set up multiple "match officials" on the listing, each with separate contact information, but ultimately the administration of a match can only be performed by a single MD.


I HAVE built into the system, my ability to change MD's for a particular match upon request and as a courtesy. So as long as an existing MD contacts me from their account and requests to have a particular match transferred to another existing MD, I am happy to do so, as a courtesy.

With regard to registrations--the system handles the registrations for you. If the "official" MD is not available on match day to scan the QR codes from competitors email confirmations, then you can always simply collect them or take a picture of them with your own, Smartphone. Later on, those pictures of the QR codes can be used to check in the competitor so that the accounting is correct for the match. I promise you, this is much easier than it sounds.

Databases of past results - Yes, I am working on this for after the scoring and record module is completed.
The challenge with this is who should be allowed to perform this action. Some MD's have already commented to me that allowing competitors to enter or upload their own past scoring and results could lead to the unfortunate temptation to cheat. Some have suggested that results should come straight from the sanctioning bodies like the NRA to verify them as "official". The problem there is the fact that I already have hundreds of competitors registered and the thought of verifying all those records makes me want to practice tying a noose.

What are your thoughts on this last point?

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New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors - Page 2 Empty Re: New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors

Post by dronning Thu Oct 18, 2018 2:54 pm

bogierich wrote:Hi Dave,

Databases of past results - Yes, I am working on this for after the scoring and record module is completed.
The challenge with this is who should be allowed to perform this action. Some MD's have already commented to me that allowing competitors to enter or upload their own past scoring and results could lead to the unfortunate temptation to cheat. Some have suggested that results should come straight from the sanctioning bodies like the NRA to verify them as "official". The problem there is the fact that I already have hundreds of competitors registered and the thought of verifying all those records makes me want to practice tying a noose.

What are your thoughts on this last point?
#1? Workaround, an MD could always give out his/her password if they couldn't be there on match day. 

#2? I'd guess at least at first we would have a high % of match day entries.  Can an MD be logged into multiple systems at the same time?

#3? Not really looking for past results only want to be able to load our past competitors contact, etc.. info into the system so we can email them.  As far as past results are concerned, we have emailed out the results, it's up to the competitor to keep their own history.  Of course the results are also sent to NRA/CMP, they can also get them there.  That being said, sending out future results in a format that would be easy for the competitor to load into their own record keeping system would be nice (maybe excel or?).

Scoring module:
Here it is important to be able to have multiple people doing stats at the same time.  At our State and Regional matches we hand in the score sheets after each SF, NMC, TF, RF match so the results can be entered as the overall match progresses, this allows us to post results very quickly.  During those matches we hand out the awards for the 2700 during the break before the EIC matches.

- Dave

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New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors - Page 2 Empty Re: New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors

Post by bogierich Sun Oct 21, 2018 1:56 pm

dronning wrote:#1? Workaround, an MD could always give out his/her password if they couldn't be there on match day. 

#2? I'd guess at least at first we would have a high % of match day entries.  Can an MD be logged into multiple systems at the same time?

#3? Not really looking for past results only want to be able to load our past competitors contact, etc.. info into the system so we can email them.  As far as past results are concerned, we have emailed out the results, it's up to the competitor to keep their own history.  Of course the results are also sent to NRA/CMP, they can also get them there.  That being said, sending out future results in a format that would be easy for the competitor to load into their own record keeping system would be nice (maybe excel or?).

Scoring module:
Here it is important to be able to have multiple people doing stats at the same time.  At our State and Regional matches we hand in the score sheets after each SF, NMC, TF, RF match so the results can be entered as the overall match progresses, this allows us to post results very quickly.  During those matches we hand out the awards for the 2700 during the break before the EIC matches.

- Dave


With regard to #1 - I would not recommend sharing any usernames or passwords. The nature of the system and the assurances that we want to give to competitors is that of security and that specific person have access to their scoring and information at any given math. What I WILL do for this though, is create a module that will allow a MD to assign deputy MD's for a given match to handle some of the duties that you have mentioned. This way there is a record of who did what and when.

#2 - A MD can only be logged into their own account, but will have access to all their matches at any given time.

#3- Competitors will be able to upload past match data (pre-PSM) to keep their records all in one place.

Scoring module - This is coming along nicely and is so fast and easy to use, a single person will have no trouble entering scores for as many as you can throw at them in seconds. I'm designing it so that it can be done through computer, tablet or phone with nothing more than a fingertip. That's all I'll say for now.

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New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors - Page 2 Empty Re: New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors

Post by Wobbley Sun Oct 21, 2018 3:06 pm

One way to allow others to pick up the ability to enter and manipulate data is to have “groups” and “owners”.  The file owner is the only one who can overwrite the file (save it after editing). The owner is also able to transfer ownership to others within the group.  So a club having multiple MDs could have one setup a tournament, another enter the data and another create the reports.  This is done a lot in manufacturing environments to maintain data integrity at all phases of the product life cycle.

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New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors - Page 2 Empty Re: New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors

Post by dronning Sun Oct 21, 2018 6:00 pm

bogierich wrote:

With regard to #1 - I would not recommend sharing any usernames or passwords. The nature of the system and the assurances that we want to give to competitors is that of security and that specific person have access to their scoring and information at any given math. What I WILL do for this though, is create a module that will allow a MD to assign deputy MD's for a given match to handle some of the duties that you have mentioned. This way there is a record of who did what and when.

#2 - A MD can only be logged into their own account, but will have access to all their matches at any given time.

#3- Competitors will be able to upload past match data (pre-PSM) to keep their records all in one place.

Scoring module - This is coming along nicely and is so fast and easy to use, a single person will have no trouble entering scores for as many as you can throw at them in seconds. I'm designing it so that it can be done through computer, tablet or phone with nothing more than a fingertip. That's all I'll say for now.

#1 will probably be a show stopper (for us) unless you can figure out how to easily hand off match duties.  A MD can change before or even the day of the match due to a personal schedule (work) change or illness.

#2 - but can they log into their MD account on 2 computers simultaneously, or will the 2nd login log them out of the 1st computer?  Along those same lines does the system time out if an MD forgot to log out of computer #1 so that he/she can log into computer 2.

#3 - What level of upload detail, each shot or match totals

Scoring module, will someone other than the MD be able to enter scores (Stat Officer(s)?  We have had situations where the person(s) entering the scores in the morning couldn't be there in the afternoon.
- Dave

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New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors - Page 2 Empty Re: New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors

Post by bogierich Mon Oct 22, 2018 8:28 am

As mentioned, I will create the ability for "deputy match directors" to be able to divide and conquer match duties.

MD's can be logged in simultaneously so long as they do not log out from any device. A single log out will log the account out from all devices.

With regard to competitors uploading past match data, I have not yet had the chance to explore this yet.

As for multiple people entering scoring data at the match, this falls under the "deputization" of other existing MD's to share duties.

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New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors - Page 2 Empty Re: New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors

Post by Chris Miceli Tue Oct 23, 2018 10:52 am

Is there a way to filter outdoor vs indoor matches?

Chris Miceli

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New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors - Page 2 Empty Re: New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors

Post by bogierich Tue Oct 23, 2018 11:11 am

Good idea, Chris. I will add that to the list of match types so that MD's can associate indoor vs. outdoor in their match listings.

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New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors - Page 2 Empty Re: New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors

Post by dronning Tue Oct 23, 2018 11:27 am

bogierich wrote:Good idea, Chris. I will add that to the list of match types so that MD's can associate indoor vs. outdoor in their match listings.
Along those lines several of our winter indoor matches are actually NRA approved leagues where the scores are sent in at the end of the season not with each match.
- Dave

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New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors - Page 2 Empty Re: New Precision Shooting Website for Competitors and Match Directors

Post by bogierich Tue Oct 23, 2018 11:30 am

dronning wrote:FYI
Along those lines several of our winter indoor matches are actually NRA approved leagues where the scores are sent in at the end of the season not with each match.
- Dave
That's not a problem. Approved leagues can use the system to score at will and then send the information to the NRA whenever they see fit.

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