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Shooter Classification Lookup

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Shooter Classification Lookup Empty Shooter Classification Lookup

Post by Toz35m 3/28/2019, 12:06 pm

It appears we are no longer able to look up other peoples classifications.  When I go to the link for "shooter Classification Lookup" I am asked to log into the portal.  From this "dash board" I can only lookup my classification.

I am sure match directors will love this new feature.

Posts : 267
Join date : 2012-10-17
Location : PDX

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Shooter Classification Lookup Empty Re: Shooter Classification Lookup

Post by TonyH 3/28/2019, 1:11 pm

They did that to keep the Russkies from getting that top secret info......

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Location : Utah's Dixie

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Shooter Classification Lookup Empty fix is "in the works" (I hope)

Post by noalibis.mary 4/2/2019, 4:43 pm

I was promised (by Shelly in tournament ops) on March 22 that the Match Director lookup (that we all counted on) "will be there, it will be about 2 weeks or less so please just keep checking."  

Personally, if it is still not working before my next match (2 weeks from now), I will ask any competitor I don't know (or have a question about how to correctly place) to create a "login" and then print out their classification and/or activity from the new portal...


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Shooter Classification Lookup Empty IMPORTANT UPDATE

Post by noalibis.mary 4/12/2019, 8:44 am

FINALLY - The competitor classification lookup has been RESTORED!
Match Directors will have to create a "login" at the new Portal https://competitor.nra.org/
Under the section where you would look up your OWN classification and activity, there is a link called "Verify Classifications" which now WORKS!

I have asked for the general Activity link to also be restored (to offer temporary or assigned classification when possible)...this is not available yet, but we'll take any progress as good news!!


Posts : 67
Join date : 2019-02-15
Location : New Jersey


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