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Best 45 bullets for feeders

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Best 45 bullets for feeders Empty Best 45 bullets for feeders

Post by Guest 3/29/2019, 10:08 am

I find it troublesome to manually grab bullets and place in case mouth, so I'm looking at a new press and bullet feeder. But then I discover that normal lubed lead bullets are a problem with bullet feeders.

I've been recommended to use Zero 185gr lead bullets in the wad gun I've got coming.

Are there jacketed, plated or coated bullets available that will give comparable performance and which will work cleanly in a feeder?


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Best 45 bullets for feeders Empty Re: Best 45 bullets for feeders

Post by dronning 3/29/2019, 10:21 am

Zero 185 JHP work perfect in my feeder - very accurate, I'd say better than their 185 LSWCHP - expensive though (+30% over lead).

I just ordered some Hi-Tek coated bullets from Brazos see the post Brazos Bullet Company - Grand Opening in Commercial Row.  I can't personally comment on accuracy until I get them but Mason Talbert (from Brazos?) shot a 2616-100X with the 200gr SWC with the Hi-Tek coating.

- Dave
also the MrBulletFeeder Mini which works fine with lead might work on the LNL

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Best 45 bullets for feeders Empty Re: Best 45 bullets for feeders

Post by Wobbley 3/29/2019, 1:03 pm

Hornady and RCBS make a tube bullet feeder that works with lead, but coated should work in a drum feeder.

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Best 45 bullets for feeders Empty Re: Best 45 bullets for feeders

Post by lablover 3/29/2019, 3:19 pm

The Brazo 200 gr coated swc works perfect in my feeder.

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