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Supersoft 9mm loads

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Supersoft 9mm loads Empty Supersoft 9mm loads

Post by Guest 4/3/2019, 11:38 am

I have a S&W 929 revolver (9mm) with an Ultradot and I want to experiment for possible Harry Reeves matches. The compensator is removable and I guess that it is otherwise compliant.

I've looked for soft 9mm loads elsewhere, but of course most folks are having to generate enough energy to cycle a semi-auto. I've got 95, 124 and 147gr bullets on hand. I've read several posts which advocate using the heavier bullet with a light powder load. I've got BE, WST and Titegroup on hand.

Any suggestions or advice?


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Supersoft 9mm loads Empty Re: Supersoft 9mm loads

Post by desben 4/3/2019, 12:33 pm

Have a look at the thread we had on the subject just last month.

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Supersoft 9mm loads Empty Re: Supersoft 9mm loads

Post by Guest 4/3/2019, 12:41 pm

Thanks desben. Yes, I found that thread after I posted. Sorry.
I've also now determined that my 929 has a 1:10 twist barrel.
I take the point that you can "go as low as gets the bullet through the barrel". I'll try a few loads and see what accuracy I get. Never bench rested this 929 and only shot factory 115gr previously (some of which have hard primers which are a problem with this gun).



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Supersoft 9mm loads Empty Re: Supersoft 9mm loads

Post by Jake1911 4/3/2019, 4:18 pm

I shoot 160 round nose Bullets from bayou sized to .358” in my smith 929 revolver. I use 3.0 gr sport pistol or WST and 2.8 gr titegroup powder with federal primers loaded to 1.20” in length. I’ve gotten under 2” groups at 50 yds sand bagged.


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Join date : 2016-03-13

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