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Day 30X Conversion

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Day 30X Conversion Empty Day 30X Conversion

Post by TAJ45 11/18/2012, 7:47 am

Saw one at the gun show this w/e. Price didn't seem to be astronomical but above what current quality units of Marvel seem to be going for.

Other than the pin through the frame and the little flat spring at 6 o'clock, does it fit onto the frame any other way? What is the overall ability of these units? General fair value (it came with two mag conversion/inserts).

Will it shoot with a Clark bbl on a 41 - generally speaking? What are your overall opinions? Question TIA

Also, what is the dope on the Marvel units of late. It seems there was some rough road being traveled in regards to them and a split has occurred. Please school me if you will as far as accuracy, who to buy from etc.

Last edited by TAJ45 on 11/18/2012, 3:10 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Join date : 2011-06-10

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Day 30X Conversion Empty Re: Day 30X Conversion

Post by BE Mike 11/18/2012, 9:00 am

The Bob Day conversions are very accurate and pretty reliable. Scoping one won't be as easy as the Marvel. Since Bob Day was killed many years ago, there has been no support of his product AFAIK. I wouldn't consider a Day unit over a Marvel unless it was substantially cheaper in price.

I can't comment on a recent split within the Marvel company. I hadn't heard that rumor.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Day 30X Conversion Empty Re: Day 30X Conversion

Post by JLK 11/18/2012, 9:29 am

I saw Day's often when I started shooting bullseye in the early 1970's in SE Texas.
Though not as popular as High Standards and M41's.
Some of the folks shooting them were Masters and shot very good scores with them.
The one thing I saw them sensitive to were the magazines. As you mentioned you put the
supplied insert in to the body of a std M1911 magazine.
I don't know if the current magazines available for the various .22 conversions would work
eliminating that problem.
Somewhere I have a sales flyer with exploded view.

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Age : 74
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