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CCI Std Vel excessive lube cause of FTF FTE

james r chapman
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CCI Std Vel excessive lube cause of FTF FTE Empty CCI Std Vel excessive lube cause of FTF FTE

Post by saltydog452 8/10/2019, 8:25 pm

A few months sgo I took advantage of a sale on cci std vel. It had a 20% rebate. I bought 5000 rounds. This ammunition gu ks up a High Std, m41, to the point that slides occasionally fail to chamber and fail to eject.

Wiping down 4850 22 ctgs to remove excessive outside lube isn't a chore that I am looking forward to. Suggestions appreciated.


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CCI Std Vel excessive lube cause of FTF FTE Empty Re: CCI Std Vel excessive lube cause of FTF FTE

Post by james r chapman 8/10/2019, 8:26 pm

mike myers has already resolved this elsewhere...
james r chapman
james r chapman

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CCI Std Vel excessive lube cause of FTF FTE Empty Re: CCI Std Vel excessive lube cause of FTF FTE

Post by saltydog452 8/10/2019, 9:40 pm

I searched for mike meyers but did not locate his post.

I am not exactly fluent with computer logic and relatively green on this forum. That saud, how fo I locate Mr. Mryers' post?


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CCI Std Vel excessive lube cause of FTF FTE Empty Re: CCI Std Vel excessive lube cause of FTF FTE

Post by mikemyers 8/10/2019, 9:50 pm

If you searched for "Mike Meyers" you wouldn't have  found me.  Spelling.

Towards the end of this discussion:


I haven't heard back from CCI yet, but they are examining the ammo I returned.  Sounds like you have the same problem I had.

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CCI Std Vel excessive lube cause of FTF FTE Empty Re: CCI Std Vel excessive lube cause of FTF FTE

Post by saltydog452 8/10/2019, 11:43 pm

I guess so. I kinda doubt that anyone is going to be in a great hurry to admit that a lot of product squeaked through their Quality Control.

If you do get any response at all please post their comments.



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CCI Std Vel excessive lube cause of FTF FTE Empty Re: CCI Std Vel excessive lube cause of FTF FTE

Post by mikemyers 8/11/2019, 7:59 am

If you read the other thread, you'll see that I called CCI, and who I spoke to.  He asked me for the batch number, which is printed on the inside of every box of 50.  He then sent me the information to print a mailing label, asked me to box up my remaining ammo, and had UPS come a day or so later to pick up the box. 

I give CCI a grade A for customer support.

Do tell them exactly what is going on with YOUR ammo.  What's happening with me, is they will check out the ammo and get back to me.  In my case, I sent everything back except three boxes of 50, which I'll try when the weather gets colder, to see if my theory is correct.  All my problems started to happen as the temperatures in Miami were going up past the 90's.

For me, I bought a case of Eley from the Civilian Marksmanship Program, which means I'm in no hurry to get the replacement ammo.  I don't plan to switch permanently - I like the way CCI comes in individual boxes of 50, not separate baggies each with 500 rounds.  CCI has worked for me since the late 1970's, and I expect to go back to it.  It's also more reasonably priced.

One last thing - I asked CCI to send me one or two boxes of 50 rounds of the replacement ammo first, so I can confirm it works in my guns properly, before they send the whole shipment.  I'll leave it up to them as to what to do, but that seemed to be a good way to be sure.

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CCI Std Vel excessive lube cause of FTF FTE Empty Re: CCI Std Vel excessive lube cause of FTF FTE

Post by 1joel1 8/12/2019, 11:28 am

I have a bunch of CCI that does NOT have a batch number on the inside of the box. Some do and others don't. Disconcerting in the least. Also, it seams that the latest 035 CCI has a new box design that says "Target" on it. I haven't shot that yet, but am wondering if there are differences.



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CCI Std Vel excessive lube cause of FTF FTE Empty Re: CCI Std Vel excessive lube cause of FTF FTE

Post by DA/SA 8/12/2019, 12:07 pm

1joel1 wrote: it seams that the latest 035 CCI has a new box design that says "Target" on it. I haven't shot that yet, but am wondering if there are differences.

I'm using both the older CCI SV and newer CCI SV "Target" with my Marvel without issues and have seen no difference that I could tell.

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CCI Std Vel excessive lube cause of FTF FTE Empty Re: CCI Std Vel excessive lube cause of FTF FTE

Post by weber1b 8/12/2019, 1:20 pm

1joel1 wrote:I have a bunch of CCI that does NOT have a batch number on the inside of the box. Some do and others don't. Disconcerting in the least. Also, it seams that the latest 035 CCI has a new box design that says "Target" on it. I haven't shot that yet, but am wondering if there are differences.

I have a feeling that the word "target" is just rebranding, new packaging. I am willing to bet that the product itself is no different.


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