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Federal Gold Medal 150M vs 155M Primers

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Federal Gold Medal 150M vs 155M Primers Empty Federal Gold Medal 150M vs 155M Primers

Post by pgg 6/7/2022, 9:48 pm

Apologies if this has been asked before.

Does it matter if regular vs magnum primers are used to load .45acp for bullseye loads?

Federal Premium Gold Medal Large Pistol Match Primers #150M
Federal Premium Gold Medal Large Pistol Magnum Match Primers #155M

Is one favored over the other?


Posts : 198
Join date : 2015-11-21

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Federal Gold Medal 150M vs 155M Primers Empty Re: Federal Gold Medal 150M vs 155M Primers

Post by rburk 6/8/2022, 12:35 am

I bought some Fed mag (155) primers last year, and have been using them.  I don't have a chronograph, but they seem to shoot just fine.  I did have to add a tenth or two of powder when using them vs. WLP's to keep my wad gun functioning reliably.   I'm using WST.

In this current environment, if that is what you have available, use them.


Posts : 174
Join date : 2019-09-26
Location : SoCal

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