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For Sale. - Federal Gold Medal 45B Ammo

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For Sale. -  Federal Gold Medal 45B Ammo Empty For Sale. - Federal Gold Medal 45B Ammo

Post by mbmshooter Sat Dec 23, 2023 1:59 pm

All ammo is sold pending receipt of funds.  I'd like to thank those who responded with offers and to those whose offers I accepted.

I noticed on the Federal website that their Gold Medal 45B ammo is now "available" again.  Their price is $72.99 per 50 round box.

As we all know, this had been the "gold standard" ammo used by premier gunsmiths for decades to test their builds.  Their test
targets were usually fired using this ammo.

I have a quantity of Federal 45B ammo remaining that I can no longer shoot well enough to do it justice.  I would really like to offer 
it to my fellow Bullseye-L members at a more palatable price than that posted by Federal.  Although it's too late to be delivered by
Christmas, it would still make a great gift to YOURSELF.  Just write your spouse's name on the gift card!

I have about 60 boxes remaining, all from the same lot.  There are also a few from a different lot.

I will sell for $45 per box plus shipping.  PM me if you would like to discuss the price for quantity purchase. 


For Sale. -  Federal Gold Medal 45B Ammo Img_1610


Posts : 248
Join date : 2011-06-11
Location : Prescott, Arizona

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