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Minimum number of shooters for a registered match.

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Minimum number of shooters for a registered match.  Empty Minimum number of shooters for a registered match.

Post by kohlerpartsgod 9/19/2022, 3:20 pm

We want to hold a registered indoor match. We only have 5 firing points. Can we run a match with only 5 people? What is the minimum number of shooters allowed? Thanks


Posts : 93
Join date : 2014-04-24
Location : Phoenix

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Minimum number of shooters for a registered match.  Empty Re: Minimum number of shooters for a registered match.

Post by CR10X 9/19/2022, 3:41 pm

Do you mean Registered or Approved NRA tournament or CMP Club Match for Match Pistol tournament?

If so, then there is no minimum number of competitors for these types of "club level" tournaments.

However if you are having "Distinguished" types of Matches under either organization, then there are a number of other requirements, limitations, etc.  

Simply find the approval forms for either organization on their respective websites and fill them out.  Any question, just call or contact the representatives posted on the webpage.

I do NRA Precision Pistol Club Tournament and do all the registration online.


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