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Pardini - is it legal?

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Pardini - is it legal? Empty Pardini - is it legal?

Post by RoyDean 10/12/2022, 7:32 pm

Is this red dot position "legal" according to current NRA (and CMP) Precision Pistol Rules?
Pardini - is it legal? Sp22_w10

Last edited by RoyDean on 10/13/2022, 6:49 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Simple question)


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Pardini - is it legal? Empty Re: Pardini - is it legal?

Post by chiz1180 10/12/2022, 7:48 pm

Without specifically reading the rulebook, I do not see why it would not fit the rules. If it works for your purposes it works.

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Pardini - is it legal? Empty Re: Pardini - is it legal?

Post by Orion 10/13/2022, 7:49 pm


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Pardini - is it legal? Empty Re: Pardini - is it legal?

Post by RoyDean 10/13/2022, 8:13 pm


Thanks, yes I have the current Rule Books and have read them through.

But, I was hoping to get a more definite opinion from someone with a more comprehensive understanding of the rules than I have.


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Pardini - is it legal? Empty Re: Pardini - is it legal?

Post by chiz1180 10/13/2022, 8:22 pm

Ok so specific rule for Match Pistols is 4.2 (obviously can't use a dot for 22 EIC matches). I don't think it would interfere with your wrist at all, you are not projecting an image on the target, nor is the optic activating the firing mechanism. I will further my initial though that this is perfectly legal, though may 'look' a bit odd to some.

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