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Coach Dina on fun

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Coach Dina on fun Empty Coach Dina on fun

Post by JHHolliday 12/11/2023, 1:54 pm


The subject of "fun" in one's endeavors (or life for that matter) is interesting.  For some people near death experiences are fun - roller coasters, etc.  I used to race mountain bikes and during the race it was anything but fun, though after the race looking back (and having survived) was fun.  Fun is pleasant, but it isn't pleasure.  Eating an IN and OUT burger is pleasant but not necessarily fun.  Love is pleasant but mostly isn't fun.

The way I practice shooting isn't fun, as Dina says.  It is hard work maintaining high concentration levels and monitoring stance, grip, sight picture, and trigger.  But like bike racing it feels fun after it is over when the session went well.

The staff at my range are friendly and when you check out they always ask "How did it go today?".  If I did well the answer is "Great!", but even if not I say "Very good!".  This is true because the concentration required of bullseye shooting removes focus from the day's problems, gives you a short break, and helps you rejuvenate.

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Coach Dina on fun Empty Re: Coach Dina on fun

Post by Jack H 12/11/2023, 6:49 pm

As I have aged since starting bullseye 50 some years ago, I have found a problem to forget the physical distractions of sore back, more body wobble, and others,.....  They distract the subconscious from doing it's job.
Jack H
Jack H

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Coach Dina on fun Empty Re: Coach Dina on fun

Post by CrankyThunder 12/13/2023, 6:34 pm

I have to disagree with the original poster on a number of issues.  

I have experienced a number of near death experiences.  Serious ones where I have seen the light.  Fun is not a word I would used to describe them.  

Making love is fun.  

Eating a In and Out burger is a near death experience.  Make it a daily habit and you will be pushing up daisies.  

Shooting a bullseye match is fun, even if I am not doing well.  the dialog, the playful bickering, teasing, and challenges make it fun when you are struggling.  especially if you are the master of the snappy comeback.  

When I practice, I have fun.  Sometimes it does not become enjoyable.  At that point, it is time to pack up and hit the bar.  Practicing when you are not enjoying it only wastes ammo.  


Last edited by CrankyThunder on 12/13/2023, 6:45 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Misspellings added to verify authorship by engineer)

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