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Ruger Mark III Grips

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Ruger Mark III Grips Empty Ruger Mark III Grips

Post by az224 1/29/2024, 2:14 pm

I have a Hammerli Trailside Competition in 22 LR, I'm wondering who makes grips similar to to the ones on my Trailside that I could put on my Mark III, these Hammerli grips have an adjustable shelf for the heel of hand and also a non-adjustable shelf for the fleshy portion of the hand between the wrist and the thumb. These grips are extremely comfortable and effective for shooting taco style, as in NRA Hunter Pistol. I looked at the usual places but nothing so far, but I know someone out there makes grips like these.


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Location : Cochise County, AZ

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Ruger Mark III Grips Empty Re: Ruger Mark III Grips

Post by straybrit 1/29/2024, 2:28 pm

I would recommend Mr Horton of this parish. I have  6 sets of grips from him. For 1911s and MGs. All are excellent.

ETA - don't interpret that as me implying that he only does those or doesn't do Ruger grips. I'm pretty damn certain he does,


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Post by DHMG1 1/29/2024, 4:11 pm

Ruger Mark III Grips Ruger_26


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Ruger Mark III Grips Empty Re: Ruger Mark III Grips

Post by BerryhillAC 1/31/2024, 8:40 am

If you can show me a picture of a grip you like on another gun, I can make a copy of it for you on your preferred pistol.  I make custom grips of all shapes and sizes for shooters all around the world.  Check out this site and TargetTalk for lots of reviews of my work and see examples at [url=PrecisionTargetPistolGrips.com]PrecisionTargetPistolGrips.com[/url]


Precision Target Pistol Grips


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