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Millet red dots? Good? bad?

Jack H
Rob Kovach
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Millet red dots?  Good? bad?  Empty Millet red dots? Good? bad?

Post by buttstock 6/8/2014, 10:32 pm

I almost want to hide behind my keyboard after I ask this question. "Is a Millett 4 dot ( 30mm tube  with 3,5,8,10 moa) red dot scope any good?"

  I saw them for sale for a whopping $76 at Graf and sons.  I know Ultradot is the benchmark in bullseye, just curious about the Millett.  If you don't ask, you never learn.

Millet red dot at Graf and sons

Anyone ever used a Millett red dot, and had actual feed back on it?  Dot sharpness? Durability/failures? Adjustment setting windage/elevation? Waranty?  I was thinking of putting it on my 22 LR, but might want to try it on my 1911 45 acp if durable enough.

Just a curiousity post. 

Good? Decent?  Not so good?  Complete POS? 

I figure the answer is, "It's the best red dot scope $76 will buy.", but I'd like to know where the strengths/weaknesses are.  Sometimes you get a surprise (one way or another).

Thanks in advance

Last edited by buttstock on 6/11/2014, 8:45 am; edited 1 time in total


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Millet red dots?  Good? bad?  Empty Re: Millet red dots? Good? bad?

Post by Rob Kovach 6/9/2014, 1:05 am

One of mine failed at Camp Perry on the 2nd magazine of rapid fire on my .22.  The elevation dropped out and it never  When you spend so much on going to perry, saving $80 doesn't pay off.  It's been new Ultradots ever since then for me.  That way I have the lifetime guarantee.  I never worry about the scope holding up under recoil on the .45 for that reason.
Rob Kovach
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Millet red dots?  Good? bad?  Empty Re: Millet red dots? Good? bad?

Post by Jack H 6/9/2014, 4:48 am

I had a Millet that the battery compartment fell apart.  I threw the whole darn thing away.  Ultradot and Aimpoint for me.
Jack H
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Millet red dots?  Good? bad?  Empty Re: Millet red dots? Good? bad?

Post by joem5636 6/9/2014, 6:27 am

Lifetime warranty, here too. $10 and you get a new unit. I find the newer models very reliable. They used to have problems with the battery compartment, but not for me in a few years. That said, if money is no object, Ultradot or Aimpoint are marginally better.


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Millet red dots?  Good? bad?  Empty Re: Millet red dots? Good? bad?

Post by varmint243 6/9/2014, 6:54 am

I have been experimenting with the Millet dot sights
Millet is owned by Bushnell and Bushnell also owns Simmons, Tasco, and who knows what else.
That dot sight is marketed under several names and also generic no-name.
I have two Millett and Two Simmons of the same thing.
On a really bright day the dot isn't always easy to see.
Seems to be holding up ok on my 625 using target loads.
I say they are cheap enough to test for yourself and see what you think.
The Simmons branded ones can be had for half the price of the Millet and side by side are identical.

I also have an Ultradot and the quality fit and finish on that is much nicer.
If you are only buying one take a look at the Ultradot.


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Millet red dots?  Good? bad?  Empty Re: Millet red dots? Good? bad?

Post by knightimac 6/9/2014, 7:13 am

I think Millet and Simmons are decent red dots.  I have 3 MOA Millets and Multiple MOA dot Simmons.  Both have been OK.

Repeatable elevation changes from 25 to 50 yards on 45 wad gun with both dots.  Never much on an issue for me.

Millets 1" go for around $79 at SWFA online.  Simmons 30MM $49 at Walmart in my area of PA.

I prefer the multiple MOA dot and slightly larger 30MM tube of the Simmons.

I can get 5 of them for one ultra dot match dot. I can return them no questions asked with receipt if they malfunction. 

When I get a Les Baer or Clark Custom 45, I will get an Ultradot.

While I'm shooting my Springfield I'll stay with the functional but cheaper models.

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Millet red dots?  Good? bad?  Empty Re: Millet red dots? Good? bad?

Post by joem5636 6/9/2014, 7:27 am

The Cabella's & Baaa Pro models may differ! If you can't check one for parallax before buying, give it a pass!


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Millet red dots?  Good? bad?  Empty Re: Millet red dots? Good? bad?

Post by BE Mike 6/9/2014, 10:38 am

I look at a few things when looking for a red dot scope. Does it have click adjustments that hold zero? Is there any parallax? The appearance of the dot. How well the intensity adjustments work. The overall durability. The weight. Another factor is how well it is supported by the company, when or if something goes wrong. Lastly, I look at what the big dogs are using, because they don't want to lose points on a lesser quality product.
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Millet red dots?  Good? bad?  Empty Re: Millet red dots? Good? bad?

Post by Ed Hall 6/10/2014, 10:50 pm

My current wad gun showed up with a Millet 1" mounted on the slide - broken.  I fixed it, as I am prone to do with my scopes.  It failed me again, this time costing me a potential win at a regional match.  It seems to discharge batteries quicker than it should, but the batteries may be in question.  If it fails me again, in any way, I'll (probably) switch it out.

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Millet red dots?  Good? bad?  Empty Re: Millet red dots? Good? bad?

Post by AllAces 6/11/2014, 7:23 am

My Millet would not hold zero on a Ruger Mk II. Replaced it with an Ultradot.

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Millet red dots?  Good? bad?  Empty Re: Millet red dots? Good? bad?

Post by Colt711 6/12/2014, 1:10 pm

I have a Millet 4 dot 30mm. I've had it a while but used it very little. I re mounted it on my Marvel conv a couple wks ago, boresighted it and went to the range. Strenuos trip i guess as It died on the way. It was a little weak in bore sighting and I of course thought it needed a battery.

I friend bought one at almost the same time and I think it's going OK. Maybe I can recover the investment(?).

One man's experience.

Ron Habegger


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