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stupid question about EIC pistol rules

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stupid question about EIC pistol rules Empty stupid question about EIC pistol rules

Post by 82boy Thu Nov 27, 2014 7:51 pm

My understanding about the EIC pistol rules is that no bumper pads are aloud on the magazine. So with that said can you use Wilson Combat magazines, that have a plastic bumper on the base?

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stupid question about EIC pistol rules Empty Re: stupid question about EIC pistol rules

Post by LenV Thu Nov 27, 2014 8:02 pm

No. But ask that question again when the new rules come out. That could be any day or another year. The rules they have posted at this time say something like " these rules are in effect for the 2014 and 2015 season" I guess that means unless we change them. But to answer your question again. They are not legal for a EIC match if it was held today.

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