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Who installs front sights on a 92/M9

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Who installs front sights on a 92/M9 Empty Who installs front sights on a 92/M9

Post by cryogenic419 12/22/2014, 5:11 am

After finally finding a load that works well in my gun I have come to the realization that the stock sights on this gun are holding me back. The way the sights are now, at 25 yards I can only have a sliver of target black on the tip of the front sight to hit in the black, at 50 I have to be just a hair above black on the sight to hit black. If I go for 6 o'clock hold it hits way low, good groupings just too low.  

Looking at the limited selection of sights that are available I've decided on a set that is rear adjustable and a front sight piece that pins onto the original front sight, the LPA SPR one for Beretta. The biggest problem I seem to be having is finding somebody that has the ability to drill the original sight so that the new one can be pinned into place.

Any ideas who does this kind of work? Is there a better solution out there?


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Who installs front sights on a 92/M9 Empty Re: Who installs front sights on a 92/M9

Post by JayhawkNavy02 12/22/2014, 7:13 am

David Sams
Sams Custom Gunworks

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Who installs front sights on a 92/M9 Empty Re: Who installs front sights on a 92/M9

Post by JayhawkNavy02 12/22/2014, 7:16 am

David Sams
Sams Custom Gunworks

Also, you may want to contact KC, he's a site sponsor and does M9 work as well.

Last edited by JayhawkNavy02 on 12/22/2014, 11:38 am; edited 2 times in total

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Who installs front sights on a 92/M9 Empty Re: Who installs front sights on a 92/M9

Post by kc.crawford.7 12/22/2014, 10:39 am

Cryo, yes I can also do that for you.  Another option I'll bring up is the Ken Sight replacement rear.  That is what I use, but I have to litterly build a front sight compatable with that rear.  I just think it's a superior sight to the LPA rear.

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Who installs front sights on a 92/M9 Empty Re: Who installs front sights on a 92/M9

Post by bmac 12/22/2014, 4:40 pm

I went with the LPA front and rear. We had to cross drill the front sight and roll pin the new front sight on. They work well. The only thing that I don't like is the gap between the top of the slide and the bottom of the rear sight (due to the rounded slide).

Not to hijack your thread, but I'd be interested in hearing about your load. I'm still playing around with options for the M9.


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Who installs front sights on a 92/M9 Empty Re: Who installs front sights on a 92/M9

Post by C.Perkins 12/23/2014, 5:18 pm

Dave Salyer installed my front and rear LPA sights when he built my M9.


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Who installs front sights on a 92/M9 Empty Re: Who installs front sights on a 92/M9

Post by sixftunda 12/24/2014, 4:54 pm

Beretta also sells a rear adjustable sight that allows you to use the existing front sight.  It's what I use on my Beretta.

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