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Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Tom Jadlos
Jon Eulette
Virgil Kane
Jerry Keefer
BE Mike
james r chapman
Randy Earnest
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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by Randy Earnest 3/8/2015, 11:19 am

First topic message reminder :

Where can I find Trigger Shoes?, I have two that were made years ago but I can't remember the Brand Name. I like the feel of the shoe over the bare trigger because the hole in the face of the trigger for the over travel screw causes me discomfort. The two I have are made of steel and I would like to find some like them.
Randy Earnest
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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by LenV 5/4/2015, 2:36 pm

By the strangest of coincidence it would appear that I am collecting that identical trigger. The trigger is out of a Kimber Gold Match or Super Match and some other High end Kimbers. I like the looks of the trigger but even with Franks thinnest shoe I was having to reach too far to the trigger. My hands are sorta big (fat) and that makes my fingers too short. Solved the problem with a short solid trigger. The shoe above will also work on a solid trigger.

Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Dscf0419

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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by Froneck 5/5/2015, 7:35 am

They look good on your guns! Have they improved your score?



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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by LenV 5/5/2015, 9:19 am

In practice. Does that count? I shot the last match Metallic so only fired the bottom pistol pictured. Shot a 798 with 185gr Noslers. It sure makes that 4lb trigger feel lighter.


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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by Froneck 5/12/2015, 8:16 am

I'm finishing up a few shoes that were ordered and when complete I want to start working on my guns for Perry. I hope to have that AW shooting. Need to make a few shoes for my 1911's too, every time I go to a match someone wants my shoes! I go home bare triggered. I have about 100 drills to grind but then I'll concentrate on the AW.
 If anyone is interested in getting shoes before Perry order them now.



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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by james r chapman 5/12/2015, 8:18 am

Got my 1911 shoe. All I can say is "wow", does that ever change the feel. Now I know I need to clean up that trigger pull!


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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by Jon Eulette 5/12/2015, 8:45 am

Hey Froneck, where'd ya get your ME? What was the curriculum focus? Sounds like you have a pretty diverse background. I work with 4 ME ' s and am always fascinated by the path they have taken to get where they are today. Unfortunately we don't see to many ME's that are pistolsmiths.
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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by Froneck 5/12/2015, 9:24 am

I started at Rutgers. Since most of the requirements were the same I was taking anything available toward any engineering degree. I at one time was a wizard at Chemical engineering but never completed it. I did complete Electrical focused toward electronics rather than power. Mechanical was a secondary subject that I took to fill in the spaces with no special focus. Simply put if I had the time and the course was available I took it. Electronics was my interest Being my father was a Tool and Die machinist the subject matter was easy and I had the scholarship to pay the cost so why not take it. I transferred to NCE simply because they had a better program and Rutgers engineering was in Newark at the time too. At NCE they let me work in the model shop so I made a few bucks as a machinist. If I stayed at it I would have had all three but I got married and had a child ( 1st of 5 great kids) on the way so I had to go to work so I never completed Chemical. I worked in the Electronics field. Later in life I took Fire Protection Engineering at Somerset College. I designed the complete Fire Alarm System for the Town of Rhiad Saudi Arabia.
 Most Smiths are not even machinists. Yes they can run a lathe and mill but most are not experienced machinist. Problem is that there is little money in Pistol Smithing, I do it now since I'm retired and like to tinker with my guns. I purchase a pile of electronics test equipment and planned to look into some of Tesla's ideas but so many projects so little time! Another project was started and waiting my time is one I seen on Myth Busters, there were able to deflect bullets with super magnets. The gun used was a 1911 if I recall. How does a magnet deflect copper or lead??



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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by Jerry Keefer 5/12/2015, 9:56 am

Froneck wrote: How does a magnet deflect copper or lead??
It's not the magnetism or the lack there of to the bullet/projectile, it is the disruption created when it encounters the intense magnetic fields .
Jerry Keefer
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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by LenV 5/12/2015, 10:01 am

CEMF (counter electromagnetic force) How does a particle accelerator work  on anything except ferrous materials? Ok, that probably is not important to trigger shoes. Mine are working great. I will be giving them a work out again on Saturday.


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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by Froneck 5/12/2015, 10:24 am

Well I think we're getting way off topic but I doubt that a magnetic field will deflect non magnetic items. If I were to fly a paper plane over an extremity High magnetic field it will deflect? I think it has to with a conductive object passing thru a magnetic field creating an eddy current therefore it has magnetic properties and attracted to the magnet. Similar to a coil of copper wire in a generator. Or is it the electrical ether Tesla claims surrounds the earth attracted by the spinning bullet giving it an electrical charge creating magnetic attraction? However that will be better explored in another forum.



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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by Jerry Keefer 5/12/2015, 10:34 am

Jerry Keefer
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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by DavidR 5/12/2015, 10:36 am

All interesting but not bullseye related or anything  to do with  this  trigger shoe topic. So back to the topic at hand please.

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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by james r chapman 5/12/2015, 10:40 am

Oh boy, we took a detour somewhere. Lorentz force?

( wiki)
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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by Froneck 5/12/2015, 11:03 am

Lorentz force is as I mentioned in simplicity, a paper plane will not be effected. Lorentz force is magnetic induction just like the coil of wire I mentioned yet not being a coil of wire eddy currents will probably give the bullet magnetic properties. Therefore deflection is magnetic. But again Way off topic!
 Yet something I would like to investigate with the possibility of attaching a toroidal super magnet at the end of a pistol barrel.


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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by DavidR 5/12/2015, 11:24 am

Guys if the off topic talk continues, then I will consider this topic over and lock it.

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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by Schaumannk 5/12/2015, 11:39 am

I can understand administrators wanting to shut off topics that degrade into politics, personalities, and sales pitches for unrelated products, but find it difficult to understand why someone would want to shut off a metallurgy and physics discussion,  both very applicable to ballistics, and gun smithing.  

How is this hurting anyone?


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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by Froneck 5/12/2015, 11:57 am

Well I agree with Dave. I think the discussion got way off topic and had little to do with ballistics or smithing.
 Anyway back to the topic, I do have many different types of shoes, most of them for the 1911 and Gold Cup. Some very wide and some very narrow. The Aluminum Bronze characteristics seem to make the trigger pull lighter especially when compared with the same shoe of different material such as Stainless Steel and Blued Steel. All of which seem to be much better than shoes that have grooved or textured surfaces.
 If interested let me know! I'm not interested in pushing the shoes, they sell themselves. I want some time to get my guns worked on.

Last edited by Froneck on 5/12/2015, 12:07 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by DavidR 5/12/2015, 11:59 am

Schaumannk wrote:I can understand administrators wanting to shut off topics that degrade into politics, personalities, and sales pitches for unrelated products, but find it difficult to understand why someone would want to shut off a metallurgy and physics discussion,  both very applicable to ballistics, and gun smithing.  

How is this hurting anyone?

The problem doesn't just lie with just this wander off the thread topic its the many others that pop up, I have purposed to Rob that we do like most other forums and add a OFF TOPIC section for all the non bullseye related things that come up. Joe Forbes founded this forum you and I and everyone else agreed to follow the forum rules he laid down, the main one was that nothing not related to bullseye is to be posted. We have let many things slide, talks about rifle shooting, rifle ammo, and others that don't live up to Joe's main rule. I hope Rob agrees and the addition of the new topic section where our members can discuss any topic with the exception of religion or politics will give all you guys a place to discuss other type topics cause we all know how bullseye shooters love to shoot the bull. lol!

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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by LenV 5/12/2015, 12:39 pm

Anyone have a good source for a short solid trigger for a Gold Cup national match? I just received a trigger that said "National Match" so of course it didn't fit. I even asked if it would fit before I ordered it. I want to put one of Frank's shoes on it but first I need to find a shorter trigger. Gold Cup triggers are .100" wider then normal triggers.

Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Lens_g11

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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by DavidR 5/12/2015, 3:57 pm

there is a 3 hole one on ebay but its stupid priced imo, bet frank can make you one to fit your trigger. http://www.ebay.com/itm/COLT-FACTORY-ORIGINAL-ALUMINUM-GOLD-CUP-TRIGGER-/331548885307?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d31da813b

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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by jglenn21 5/12/2015, 4:18 pm

EGW has a solid trigger for the gold cup. it's long but find someone with a mill


heck they may even shorten it for you  call and ask

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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by DavidR 5/12/2015, 4:41 pm

looks like what you need,

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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by LenV 5/12/2015, 9:34 pm

Thanks for the suggestions. Wow, on the one on E-bay. I think they got Gold Cup confused with gold plated. The EGW does not appear to have any over travel adjustment. Frank sent me a PM with a couple of his thoughts and I found a Wilson Combat (long) that has an adjustment screw. I will keep looking and thanks again.


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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by Froneck 5/12/2015, 9:44 pm

Wow what a coincidence! I was talking to Bob Greider today and he is sending me trigger bows so I can make Gold Cup Triggers. I what to make them from Aluminum Bronze so as to let them slide easy! I can make them any way you want Len. I do make shoes for the Gold Cup trigger in various types.



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Trigger Shoes for 1911's - Page 2 Empty Re: Trigger Shoes for 1911's

Post by LenV 5/12/2015, 10:00 pm

I think we will be able to come up with a plan. I am reaching for this one already. It worked out nice to put short triggers on my other pistols with your shoes (great feel) but I am afraid this one would be too long for my fat fingers if I just tried to add a shoe. There is no rush. I just want to be ready for the Nationals 2016 in Talladega Laughing or maybe a little sooner then that.

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