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CMP Talladega pistol match?

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CMP Talladega pistol match? Empty CMP Talladega pistol match?

Post by ANDYZ28 6/15/2015, 6:25 am

I was recently at the CMP Talladega match, and the electronic scoring is very interesting. The value of the shot is calculated on the exact center of the bullet, and not allowing for the bullet diameter to increase the value of the shot.  Some of the competitors were quite upset upon finding this out. I am not good enough yet to fully appreciate this. But it is an interesting topic. Also, a shot that is 10.9 and a shot that is 10.0 are scored the same. Again, very interesting. As this was the very first match, we kept paper score cards as well.

What do you guys think of this?


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CMP Talladega pistol match? Empty Re: CMP Talladega pistol match?

Post by dstates 6/15/2015, 6:36 am

This has been discussed in a couple threads here and one long one on the CMP forum.  It turns out they did use bullet diameter, it is just the guys talking about it didn't seem to know that.  They used a 45 diameter for all service pistols.  They said they will work on being able to have the competitor input their bullet caliber before the match and it will score accordingly.  So right now, as far as scoring goes, it sounds like the 9mm guys had an advantage.


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CMP Talladega pistol match? Empty Re: CMP Talladega pistol match?

Post by dronning 6/15/2015, 8:39 am

ANDYZ28 wrote: ...Also, a shot that is 10.9 and a shot that is 10.0 are scored the same.
What do you guys think of this?

As it should be, the system keeps track of decimal scoring but gives you the integer score, as dictated buy the rules. An X.9 scores the same as a 10.0, 10 points.

- Dave

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CMP Talladega pistol match? Empty Re: CMP Talladega pistol match?

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