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Eating during the day of a league night

Rob Kovach
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Eating during the day of a league night Empty Eating during the day of a league night

Post by Rob Kovach Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:04 pm

I've been noticing that my hold is better if I eat 3 meals at the normal times. 7am, noon, and 5 pm with league at 6-7 pm. We usually shoot a 300 one night per week.

If I skip lunch or eat right before I shoot, my hold is terrible. I shake like I have parkinsons.

Does anyone have a diet that works for them or things they just don't do on a day they are going to shoot?

Lets talk about it!
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Eating during the day of a league night Empty Diet

Post by rec4309 Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:59 am

I don't eat breakfast during the week. I lay off the coffee after 9:00. I make sure I have a decent lunch, usually with chocolate milk instead of soda. We shoot at 5:00, so about 4:00 I will have a peanut butter sandwich, banana, and a chocolate milk. This seems to get me through the match. After the match we will go out for a light dinner and social hour.

Until I find a better routine this is what I will do.



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Eating during the day of a league night Empty Re: Eating during the day of a league night

Post by Chris_D Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:12 am

Eat smaller meals throughout the day, don't let yourself get hungry. Some people call it "grazing" like the way cows eat. You most probably have a problem with blood sugar levels which I think is called hypoglycemic (spelling is wrong I am sure). I have my days where I shake pretty bad, but so far I have not found what my trigger is that causes it.



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Eating during the day of a league night Empty Re: Eating during the day of a league night

Post by rob5r Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:20 pm

I try to eat a banana, a few hours before my 60 shot league. If its a 2700. I eat between each 900. I keep peanut butter crackers, granola bars, etc in my range bag. Small meals during the day and keep the food/water flowing during the match.

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Eating during the day of a league night Empty Re: Eating during the day of a league night

Post by BE Mike Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:48 pm

I never gave it much thought, but one very good shooter I knew swore by canned tuna with crackers and Zins apparently swore by turkey sandwiches. I suppose the high protein content is the common thread.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Eating during the day of a league night Empty Re: Eating during the day of a league night

Post by Don Tunstall Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:49 pm

No caffeine low carb works for me. First day I went without caffiene I shot my first two clean target's TF & TF

Don Tunstall

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Eating during the day of a league night Empty Re: Eating during the day of a league night

Post by sklarcpa Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:24 pm

I eat my regular meal a few hours before the match begins.

At match time I keep bottled water out to sip on after strings of fire and during scoring. Small continuous sips. Also I will pack the peanut butter crackers to eat on until close to lunch time, one here and there to keep my glucose levels from dropping before the next meal time.

I then keep my lunch light if we're shooting the full match and continue to eat on small pieces of fruit or peanut butter crackers during the final 900 match.

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Age : 53
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