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Recoil Spring Brands?

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Recoil Spring Brands? Empty Recoil Spring Brands?

Post by dsandula 1/5/2016, 5:32 am

Can anyone please offer advice between the brands of 1911 recoil springs available?  Wolff, Wilson (and their conventional, chrome silicone and flat wire springs), Taylor Tactical?  Is one really better than the other?

It seems the best way to begin experimenting with 1911 springs in my Gold Cup and Clark 38 Special with slide mounted red dot is to purchase the Wolff Reduced Power pack of springs.  Both guns are from the early 1960's and have original springs.  The 45 ACP is throwing brass with 4.0 of WST about 5 feet, but I'd like to try reducing the loads further and experiment with Bullseye and Titegroup.  The Clark 38 Special with slide mounted red dot is throwing brass about 2 - 3 feet with 3.4 of WST and I'm getting slight primer flowing over the firing pin.  I'd also like to experiment with Bullseye and Titegroup in this gun to find a better suited load . . . likely lighter spring & reduced, possibly "safer" load.


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Recoil Spring Brands? Empty Re: Recoil Spring Brands?

Post by Dr.Don 1/5/2016, 8:49 am

I tend to believe the brand differences are mostly marketing fluff.  I use Wolff because they make all the different weights and are usually easy to find.  But if you find a different brand, fine.  Just get a selection over a weight range.  When you put them on a tester, they don't always measure what the package says.  And that's ok because you don't really care what the true "weight" is, you care that it is the correct spring for your gun/load combination.  So you always want to be able to go up or down a pound or two to experiment.

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Recoil Spring Brands? Empty Re: Recoil Spring Brands?

Post by jglenn21 1/5/2016, 9:51 am

I've pretty much converted all my springs for the 1911 to ISMI springs


been very happy with the quality and spot on spring pressure

get them from Brownells...

if you go with wolff get their A type springs

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Recoil Spring Brands? Empty Re: Recoil Spring Brands?

Post by DavidR 1/5/2016, 3:12 pm

I can say, sprinco is not accurate to weight, 10lb is lucky to be 8, wolf red pack has always been good, red is regular spring, green pack is a progressive spring.

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Recoil Spring Brands? Empty Re: Recoil Spring Brands?

Post by C.Perkins 1/5/2016, 6:11 pm

I have been a Wolff standard springs kind of guy since day one.
And their .45 magazines are nothing to sneeze at either.

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Recoil Spring Brands? Empty Re: Recoil Spring Brands?

Post by KevinGD 1/7/2016, 12:05 pm

dsandula, just to let you know the flat wire springs have a smaller inside diameter than most guide rods.  Typically used with full length guide rods, from what I've seen.  Though I think I've seen Wilson offers a smaller diameter guide rod for the flat wire spring.



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