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bullseye loads powder amount ?

Chris Miceli
james r chapman
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bullseye loads powder amount ? Empty bullseye loads powder amount ?

Post by rebs 4/30/2016, 5:43 pm

When you guys load your 45 acp for bullseye shooting how critical is the powder charge ? Do you weigh each charge to be exact ?
If using a powder dump how close is close enough ? If I am loading 4.2 of bullseye and my powder dump varies between 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 is that ok or is accuracy going to suffer ?


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bullseye loads powder amount ? Empty Re: bullseye loads powder amount ?

Post by JayhawkNavy02 4/30/2016, 5:51 pm

My Dillon throws +/- .02 gr on average after buying a prairie dog powder baffle with Bullseye.  Personally, I don't see the value in weighing each charge after measuring charges for 6 months.

If I was using a powder that didn't meter as well then it would change my behavior.

Last edited by JayhawkNavy02 on 4/30/2016, 7:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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bullseye loads powder amount ? Empty Re: bullseye loads powder amount ?

Post by james r chapman 4/30/2016, 6:30 pm

I say unless your bouncing on max.loads your fine.
I'd say +-.1 is pretty standard.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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bullseye loads powder amount ? Empty Re: bullseye loads powder amount ?

Post by Tim:H11 4/30/2016, 7:28 pm

My Lee Powder Disc Measure is VERY accurate. Not much difference at all between shots when weighed to check. I do not weigh shots at all now. I weigh when I set up the drop and the first few to verify but after I just crank em out. Groups good at 50 with no strange flyers.

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bullseye loads powder amount ? Empty Re: bullseye loads powder amount ?

Post by rreid 4/30/2016, 8:51 pm

I use the Dillon powder measure.  When I chronograph my loads, I regularly get standard deviations in the low teens to high single digits. Instead of weighing charges, spend that time dry firing.

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bullseye loads powder amount ? Empty Re: bullseye loads powder amount ?

Post by Chris Miceli 5/1/2016, 3:13 am

i set my dillon at 4.2 of VV N310 and recheck after i go through a pound of powder.

Chris Miceli

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bullseye loads powder amount ? Empty Re: bullseye loads powder amount ?

Post by BE Mike 5/1/2016, 7:12 am

rebs wrote:When you guys load your 45 acp for bullseye shooting how critical is the powder charge ? Do you weigh each charge to be exact ?
If using a powder dump how close is close enough ? If I am loading 4.2 of bullseye and my powder dump varies between 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 is that ok or is accuracy going to suffer ?
You're good to go. The bullet quality will affect accuracy much more than a tenth of a grain difference in powder. That being said, if you have doubt about your ammo, it can negatively impact your shooting. If weighing each charge for the long line for matches, makes you feel more confident, well, that can go a long way in keeping your mind settled.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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bullseye loads powder amount ? Empty Re: bullseye loads powder amount ?

Post by rebs 5/1/2016, 3:49 pm

Thank you for the replies, I appreciate it


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bullseye loads powder amount ? Empty Re: bullseye loads powder amount ?

Post by rich.tullo 5/2/2016, 1:00 pm

Powder Valley has VV310 and WST in stock.

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bullseye loads powder amount ? Empty Re: bullseye loads powder amount ?

Post by Laminarman 5/5/2016, 9:18 pm

What I do is use my RCBS Chargemaster Combo for load development only.  I load some, go out back, shoot, go back in, change the dispense and do it again.  When I load I use my RCBS powder throw with the small charge thingy I bought (name escapes me) but since adding that the smaller charges are very, very accurate.  I weigh about every 50 and they're usually right on with WST, 3.9 gr.


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bullseye loads powder amount ? Empty Re: bullseye loads powder amount ?

Post by rich.tullo 5/6/2016, 5:41 am

Match ammo I weigh every 10 rounds, Practice every 25 rounds. 

I drop the powder into the pan and do not tare cases. 

Hornady LNL hardly ever off on the balance beam scale, but its just for safety quality control.

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bullseye loads powder amount ? Empty Re: bullseye loads powder amount ?

Post by RonSiliani 5/6/2016, 7:34 pm

Drop 10-20 charges thru ur powder measure then drop 10 charges in same pan n weigh divide by 10  if its acceptable average then your good


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bullseye loads powder amount ? Empty Re: bullseye loads powder amount ?

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