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Okay Moonies, what's the trick?

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Okay Moonies, what's the trick? Empty Okay Moonies, what's the trick?

Post by USSR 4/30/2018, 5:40 am

For you guys who use full moon clips for your .45 ACP revolvers, what's the trick for doing reloads reasonably quick?   I swear, I can handload 6 .45 AR cases into the cylinder quicker than I get a full moon clip inserted.  


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Okay Moonies, what's the trick? Empty Re: Okay Moonies, what's the trick?

Post by CR10X 4/30/2018, 5:50 am

From back in my pin shooting days / revolver days.

Light chamfer on the cylinder, but not extractor.  Takes the sharp edge off and helps reduce hang ups as the clip is starting into the 
chamber.  Better to drop in and wiggle a little than try to force.  Last resort is a little roll crimp too. 



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Okay Moonies, what's the trick? Empty Re: Okay Moonies, what's the trick?

Post by james r chapman 4/30/2018, 6:14 am

As Cecil says.
Light chamfer
Watch Miculek in SLO mo with his revolvers.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Okay Moonies, what's the trick? Empty Re: Okay Moonies, what's the trick?

Post by LenV 4/30/2018, 8:23 am

Hold the pistol by the cylinder with the finger tips of left hand. Start the moon clip in at a slight angle and watch the top round go into the cylinder. Wiggle the moonclip while aligning with cylinder. You can feel the rest of the rounds drop in place. Slide forward, roll the empty to the top and close. You can use the fingers of the right hand to manipulate any rounds that don't want to just drop in. 99.9% of the time they need squeezed in if they are hanging up. Remember, your not trying to speed load in the middle of a string. At the command load you can already be gripping the cylinder and have the clip in hand. This is how I do it. YMMV


If not for Bullseye and you need to go fast then use RN bullets.

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Okay Moonies, what's the trick? Empty Re: Okay Moonies, what's the trick?

Post by USSR 4/30/2018, 8:53 am

Thanks Len, I'll give that a try.   It's not for Bullseye, just for shooting at my range outside my house, so time is of even less a consideration.   Just seems to me that it should take less time than it does.   This 25-2 was made in 1975, came in the mahogany case and is unfired as of now, so I am not going to chamfer the cylinder.   No doubt the .455 bullets I am using (H&G 68) don't help, but what's important is how well it shoots, not how fast the reloads are.


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Age : 74
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Okay Moonies, what's the trick? Empty Re: Okay Moonies, what's the trick?

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