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Revolver ?

Jerry Goldfarb
Steve B
Larry Lang
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Revolver ? Empty Revolver ?

Post by Paper-Puncher 7/19/2012, 10:14 am

What is the prefered way of shooting timed and rapid with thr revolver...? Double action ...Just curios how you guys do it.


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Revolver ? Empty Re: Revolver ?

Post by Larry Lang 7/19/2012, 10:57 am

I shoot sustained fire single action. All the revolver shooters I know shoot single action. I hear there are some shooters that shoot double action and do well.

Thumb cocking will slightly alter your grip each time you do it. Having large hands makes it easier.

Try this:
Remove the primers from 6, or more, cartridge cases. Fill the primer pockets with hot glue, let harden and slice flat with a knife. Use these as snap caps and practice dry firing with both methods. Watch your sight alignment.
Larry Lang
Larry Lang

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Revolver ? Empty Re: Revolver ?

Post by Steve B 7/19/2012, 11:21 am

I've got medium sized hands and struggle with regripping the gun while shooting single action. Shooting double action in sustained fire is much easier for me. Got 10 more points at Perry!

Steve B

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Revolver ? Empty Re: Revolver ?

Post by Paper-Puncher 7/19/2012, 3:15 pm

Larry ,

Ive got large hands so ....I'll give it a try....I can see rapid fire being a real tuff.....


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Revolver ? Empty Re: Revolver ?

Post by Steve B 7/19/2012, 3:30 pm

Timed and rapid, shooting DA, is really easy if you're accustomed to 'roll' triggers. Usually, I can get five shots off quicker with the revolver than I'm able to with the Marvel or the 45. It takes practice but I average mid to high 90's timed and rapid.

Steve B

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Revolver ? Empty Re: Revolver ?

Post by Jerry Goldfarb 7/20/2012, 9:16 am

Proper grip is a key element. Your hand should be as high up on the grip as possible for DA.
Jerry Goldfarb
Jerry Goldfarb

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Revolver ? Empty Re: Revolver ?

Post by AllAces 7/20/2012, 12:33 pm

Single. Never seen anyone shoot timed and rapid double action. You have plenty of time if you practice.

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Revolver ? Empty Re: Revolver ?

Post by davekp 7/21/2012, 6:06 am

AllAces wrote:Single. Never seen anyone shoot timed and rapid double action. You have plenty of time if you practice.

I guess you've never been to the Nationals at Camp Perry.


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Revolver ? Empty Re: Revolver ?

Post by C.Perkins 7/23/2012, 9:46 pm

I used a 6" Colt custom shop Python to get my DR badge shooting double action.

If you can get your pistol to DA smooth as butter, I think it is the way to go.

Just squeeze on through, no disruption of cockin the hammer.


Clarence Perkins

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Revolver ? Empty Re: Revolver ?

Post by rvlvrlvr 7/24/2012, 2:33 pm

I shoot single-action all the way with my wheelguns. At 50 yards, I grip the gun naturally, as high on the backstrap up to the 'knuckle' (S&W's term for the 'hump') as I can get. For sustained fire, I grip slightly lower (about 1/4" of grip showing above my hand) so that when I reach up to re-cock the hammer, I don't need to shift my grip.


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Revolver ? Empty Re: Revolver ?

Post by ChuckS1 7/25/2012, 7:31 am

I tried both double and single action last weekend with my Smith Model 1955. It was easier for me to shoot sustained fire single action. Maybe if I got a nice double action trigger job done I might change my mind, but I'm happy with the way it is.

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Revolver ? Empty Re: Revolver ?

Post by Paper-Puncher 7/25/2012, 5:05 pm

I did some dry fire the other night after work....I believe I will shoot timed fire single ..rapid fire I run out of time both methods but I'll get it. I'm really enjoying the revolver and it seems to be helping my .45 scores ..


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